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(Note - Another chapter, yay! Anywho I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. -(This was edited (5/6/2021)-)

Connecticut appeared in 1634. He was found at the foot of America's bed. He was 6 when he was found. In modern-day he is 16. His name is Evans Jones. He is the 5th oldest by state age and 6th oldest by colony age. Connecticut has brown hair with teal eyes. His hair is shoulder length and is normally put into a small ponytail. Connecticut has a slight Dutch accent. During the revolution, Connecticut wasn't that much of a talker but still tried to help by sending supplies. Connecticut has 8 different tool belts, each has a bronze star on it.  These represent his counties. Connecticut has the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut tattooed on his arm. 

Connecticut loves Dukin' Donuts, just don't tell Massachusetts that. 

Connecticut secretly has a superiority complex. He's often forgotten about next to New York. Doesn't help that he's a quiet state. Well, quiet every day of the week except when it comes to war or parties. He gets a bit rowdy when it comes to partying. During wartime, he's just scary af. 

Connecticut is a bit sensitive. He can be emotional. Try being bossed around by other states constantly. He's always being pushed into making things for other states.


Connecticut is a great builder and is often doing favors for his siblings. Connecticut helped build the mansion that the family is currently living in. You can tell he helped make the living room because it looks like the living room from the Gillette Castle State Park. While he prefers engineering and room design, he is a bit of a tech nerd too. Since his state is the home to the first colored television, polaroid camera, nuclear-powered submarine, and helicopter.

 Connecticut's room was inspired by the interior of the Mark Twain House.  Connecticut has multiple tiny American Robin figures in his room. He thinks they're adorable. Connecticut has mountain laurels all over his room. There are some attached to his bed, hanging from the ceiling, and on the walls. Connecticut has Fishers(the animal) carved into his bed. He has a cute painting of a baby muskrat in his room. On his door, he has a bald eagle, eastern bluebird, red-headed woodpecker, and Connecticut warbler painted in gold on his door. His bed is made of a red maple tree. His walls are the same color of sugar maple trees.(Isn't that the cutest name ever)

Connecticut was inspired by the Scoville Memorial Library, he begged America to let him make a library. America said yes, and that's where Connecticut's book collecting habit started. He has over 300 books in the family library. He has formed a child and parent relationship with the books, hurting one of them would make Connecticut come running over with a hatchet. Connecticut has read all the books by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain.

Connecticut is usually a calm person but Benedict Arnold's betrayal put him into a cold rage. The other states used to giggle about him having a phone book. But that stopped when they lost all their contacts because they got new phones. Connecticut has some ridiculous laws that his siblings laugh at(It's illegal to walk backwards after sunset in Devon). He always abides the speed limit, his state had the first speed limit after-all. He was the one to ban Massachusetts(the reason he was banned will be explained in his chapter) and Georgia from driving.

Connecticut is a vegetarian but sometimes yields to his desires and eats a hamburger(his state is the birthplace to first hamburger). This leads to 2 weeks of sobbing, his fellow states have started replacing all the meat burgers in the house with plant-based burgers. Even America has started eating plant-based burgers more.   

Since his state was covered by a glacier 15,000 years ago, Connecticut doesn't mind the cold that much and will wear sandals in the winter.  Connecticut rarely gets fevers from high or low temperatures.  Any severe storm, including hurricanes and tornadoes, could make Connecticut have a fever for about 4 days. 

Connecticut was one of the states that weren't very affected by the Civil War. That didn't mean he was quiet during the Civil War. Connecticut adopted a snarky personality during the war. Often getting in fights with Pennsylvania. He took fun in pissing off his Uncle and other siblings. Connecticut was pretty indifferent towards North Carolina during the war. He didn't care if she stayed or left. Often telling the others to stop complaining and just get on with the meeting. After the Civil War, that personality disappeared. Although, it does come back when he is feeling extremely frustrated or pissed off. 

-Now on to the story- 

"Penny, where is Evans?" Questioned Alfred looking to his 2nd oldest.

Penny winced, "in his room."

Alfred raised an eyebrow. "Why is he in his room, wasn't he just down here helping with dinner?"

Penny laughed nervously when she was about to reply, she was cut off by Arthur.

"Penny asked Evans to taste new plant-based meat. When he asked what kind of brand it was, Penny said it wasn't plant-based."

Alfred turned to glare at his daughter, "you did what!?"

Penny huffed. "It was just supposed to be a prank, he was just being sensitive."

Alfred facepalmed, it was well-known that Evans was very sensitive when it came to meat. While Penny probably didn't mean to hurt him, she shouldn't have done it. She sometimes takes her 'pranks' too far.

"You're grounded for 6 months." Alfred declared.

Penny stuttered, "what that's too long!"

Alfred rolled his eyes. "You're how old now? 6 months is nothing. Now once Evans stops sobbing you're going to apologize."

Alfred started walking in the direction of Evans's room. But was close enough to hear Penny hissed "you fucking snitch" to Arthur.

"Make that 8 months!" He called over his shoulder.

He was now only 5 doors down from Evans's room and he can already hear the sobs. Approaching the door, he slowly opened it.

"Evans?" He called out, softly.

A tiny wet "y e s" was heard from under the blankets. The nation treaded over the plush carpet to the side of Evans's bed. He sat on the bed and gently lifted the blanket. He was met with the tear-stained, shining eyes, and red face of Evans. Alfred's heart broke at how upset his little baby was. (You better be tearing up because I am)

The nation pulled the upset state into his arms for a warm hug.

"Momma!" Wailed Evans, wetly.

"Shhh it's okay." Consoled Alfred, petting the state's hair.

The teen started sobbing harder, "those poor animals. They didn't deserve it! I ate their flesh!"

"What Penny did was mean, it's not your fault. Don't feel guilty she tricked you into eating it, you didn't know better."

They held each other in silence for 5 more minutes until Alfred spoke up again.

"If you want we can go see an animal-friendly farm? Maybe I'll even let you buy a chicken." Alfred suggested.

The teen sniffed, "really?"

The nation nodded, "now how about we go out and get some impossible burgers?"

The state perked up. "Okay!"

Alfred wiped Evans's face and picked him up. "Come on, let's go before your brothers and sisters want to go too."

Evans giggled quietly and Alfred smiled happily.

(Note - Had fun making this character. For some reason, he reminds me of 2p Canada. Or of a lumberjack, maybe a lumberjack more. I imagine Connecticut acts tough and indifferent but is actually a really sensitive guy. Sorry I made Pennsylvania the villain in this story, they're siblings so they sometimes play pranks on each other. And sometimes those pranks are mean. This story was so cute to write though. -This was 1324 words.-)

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