Let's Try - South Italy and America Try Not To Embarrass Themselves Part 1

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(Note - AHhhhhhhhhhhh, got this chapter out finally! I wanted to do 3 dates and 2 date chapters but now it's going to be 2 dates instead. I didn't want to give myself too much to edit. Anywho, they don't kiss in this chapter but they will kiss in the next date chapter. By the way, new note system. This symbol - * will mark parts where I have a note or fun fact or just a thought while writing. This includes translations. They will all be at the end of the chapter. There are 22 of them. Also Wattpad users, the paragraphs might be fucked up again. Also, I think I accidentally gave Lovino a fetish. What kind of fetish? I don't know. Some kind. )

Lovino impatiently tapped his fingers on the meeting table. They were in New York for a meeting about rising sea levels. He glanced at Alfred farther up the table. He looked so excited. Bright eyes, a wide smile on his face, and basically vibrating in his seat. Lovino hid a grin behind his hand. The American had spent the whole evening and morning telling him all about Oceanix. 

He held back a pleasured shiver. He and Alfred had shared a hotel room and a bed. Lovino had spent the night with a warm, soft American in a bear sweater snuggled up against him. He never noticed how much the nation smelled like apple pie. Waking up to Alfred's absolutely adorable sleeping face, his cheek squished against the Italian's chest was heaven. Lovino had spent about 20 minutes contemplating whether or not to wake him. 

The man rested his chin on his hand as England started his presentation. He and Alfred had planned a day out on the town kind of date. Roaming the streets till night. Romantic kisses under the street light. Eating some true Italian pizza, or the closest New York could get it. Holding hands. Practically, showering Alfred with love for the whole day. 

Lovino let out a breath of relief as England finished. His blissed-out smile soon turned into a frown. He hadn't noticed it till now, it seemed the other nations were ignoring Alfred. That asshole Germany had been picking other nations that didn't even have anything planned. They were supposed to be following a list that contained 10 nations. Everyone on the list had gone but Alfred and Romania. 

Lovino huffed, so what if the American always had silly plans. They were a refreshment from these boring fuckers. Since this was the first time in a while that Alfred has actually put his name on the list, he should at least get a chance to speak. Lovino's frown deepened as Ludwig ended the meeting. 

Ignoring Feliciano, he walked over to the American. 

"You okay?" Lovino asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw tears in the corners of Alfred's eyes.

 The other shook his head quietly. Lovino's eye twitched. Someone's gonna get their ass beat after he's done pampering his boyfriend. Frowning, Lovino tugged Alfred out of his seat. He paused to pick up their bags and papers before dragging the American out of the meeting room, ignoring the looks from the other nations. 

The man stomped into the parking lot, using his keys to unlock his car. 

"L-Lovino?" Alfred stuttered as he was pushed into the passenger seat. 

"We're getting McDonald's." He announced, throwing their bags and papers into the backseat before hopping into the driver's seat. 

Alfred's eyes brightened slightly, "really?"

 Lovino nodded, starting the car. Alfred beamed and cheered. 

"Let's get some McDaddy!" He shouted, throwing his hands up as much as he can, aware of the car roof. 

Lovino banged his head against the wheel and groaned. Is it too late to turn back?


The half nation stared as the American devoured the burger. Lovino cursed under his breath. He might love the other to death but those burgers are fucking disgusting. They were flat and greasy. The burgers didn't even look like the ones in the pictures. The man made a mental note to cook the American*an Italian burger. 

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