-FIller- + Update

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(Note - Literally just using this filler as a way to tell you guys what the fuck is going on. 

So got a few things to spill. 

Why hasn't there been a chapter yet? Welp, I had a really good story idea and I've been wasting my time milking my inspiration on that. 

Anyway, this story has a total of 100 planned chapters. I've suspected from the start that I'm gonna pass 100 and I probably will now. 

It's almost Christmas break and I'm now thinking about Summer break. Welp, last year I was able to keep my Chromebook over the summer because of Corona. This time I might not be so lucky. I have a 2nd laptop but I'm pretty sure it's possessed and I'm trying to fix it. 

Been having some problems in real life. I'm fine, I think at least. 

Enjoy these mini stories.) 

"Mass~" Victor whined, rushing into Marcus's room. 

"What!?" Marcus growled, looking up from his book. 

"The Jersey Devil is bothering me again!" The teen huffed, clinging to Marcus. 

Marcus rolled his eyes. He's tired of the other boy coming to him to get rid of the monster. 

"Can't you just talk to the thing!?" He snapped.

Victor gave him a bewildered look. "WHAT, NOOO!" 

Marcus winced at the pitch of his brother's voice. 

"I can't keep this up, Victor! You have to get rid of it yourself for once." Marcus stated firmly.


"Buenos dias." Tyler(Texas) greeted, coming into the kitchen. 

Mariana(New Mexico) snorted. 

Tyler had a tendency to speak Spanish when he's tired. 

"Como estas?" Mariana asked, slipping on her ice coffee. 

Tyler just groaned and rubbed his eyes. 

The state smirked and handed the teen a cup of coffee. 

"Gracias." He thanked, moaning as the coffee made it's down his throat. 

After inhaling his cup of coffee, the state turned to Mariana with no longer tired eyes. 

"Hi!" He chirped. 

The teenage girl sniggered as Tyler pouted.

Spanish(Correct me if I get anything wrong) -

Buenos dias(Good Morning)

Como estas(How are you)

Gracias(Thank You)

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