Mini Story - Ass Glitter Bombs

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(Note: Another chapter up! I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. I would have gotten out a chapter earlier if I didn't encounter the unholy canyon of fanfiction. Dear Lord, I've never seen so many cliches in a character and story *shiver*. My inspiration has been a bit down after that. But I felt like I had to get something out.)

Geo giggled from her spot across the vent opening.

"Shut up." Morgan quietly sniggered. 

"They might hear us, guys." Noah wheezed out. 

"Do you think it's going to work?" Geo asked, ignoring Noah. 

"Hope it does," Morgan replied. 

"The whole thing counts on if England looks at his chair before he sits down or not." They continued. 

"Shhh, they're coming." Noah hushed, booping the two other states' noses. 

With a grumbling Geo, a pouting Morgan, and a smug Noah, they looked down the vent. Watching the nations appear they recognized a few of them. Japan, North Italy, Germany, oh there's Mom, France, and finally a huffing England. 

The states held their breaths as England started to smack France with a book. Noah took a gulp of air as England was satisfied by France's now messy hair. The three teens leaned in as England pulled out his chair. 

"It might work, he's looking at France instead of the chair." Geo whispered, her nose twitching. 

Noah quickly pinched her nose. "Don't you fucking dare." 

Morgan made a little noise in the back of their throat. 

They swallowed together as England started to sit down. 


The states let out sniggers as England let out a high pitched scream. As the nation turned around to glare at France. The states got a good look at England's glitter-covered butt.

 The states could hear the nations' gasps and giggles as they realized what happened. 

"I never knew you could produce rainbow dust out of your butt, England!" They heard Italy chirp. 

"Italy why!?" Morgan wheezed, trying to hold back their laughter. 

The states giggled as England tried to wipe off the glitter, only succeeding at separating it. Noah let out a squeal as France came over and slapped England's butt. Making the glitter form a cloud. 

The French nation only laughed at England's attempts to threaten him. 

"This was amazing." Morgan gushed, snapping a close up picture of England's butt. 

"I vote we do this to Russia next time!" Geo chuckled, imagining the surprise on the cold nation's face. 

"Elan(Alaska) would love that." Noah snorted. 

(I don't know what this is, I just had an idea. It's now pretty stupid when I think about it. I would have written a 9/11 mini-story but I had to go into school and to be honest, I didn't even realize that day was 9/11. In a less confusing matter, I didn't realize that day was special. Um, Mississippi is coming along. South Italy trying to take America out on a date might be finished before Mississippi though.)

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