Chapter 2

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You turned around and decided to head back to Eren and Mikasa's' house. Especially after running off to ....

Where am I though?

Your steps came to a halt at the realization that you in fact had no clue where you were. Turning your head left and right you hoped to see something familiar but all that came to mind was the background of the show. Placing your index finger under your chin you started to think out loud.

"Where exactly am I?" Your brows furrowed while examining the surrounding area.

The blond then walked up to you with a curious look, "are you lost?" Turning around you looked at him with a red embarrassed face, "perhaps, hehe," you mumbled while scratching your nape.

He then started to fiddle with his hands showing that he was nervous, "I can take you to my friends," he suggested while slowly stretching out the hand closest to you.

Oh yes, please do.

You nodded your head happily, "yes-" you were interrupted by a familiar german kids' voice. Both you and Armin looked behind you to see an Eren flailing his arms at someone.

"Hey, Mikasa! I found her!" a few seconds later Mikasa stood by him which encouraged him to run towards your direction. Unlike Mikasa who walked and was taking her time.

Upon both of his friends arriving Armin quickly lowered his hand and gave Eren a surprised expression.

"Where did you go?" Eren frowned at you.

Avoiding eye contact you tried to find an excuse although non left your lips. Armin sensed your uncomfort decided to speak up, "wait, you guys know her?" he pointed towards my direction. "Well we met her today," replied the brunette, "we were looking for her after Mikasa and I went home to talk to mom. But when we went outside she was gone."

"Oh, really. She just helped me with those three bullies actually."

Mikasa seemed surprised at what her friend had stated, "That weird, she has been acting shy and quiet." The three of them looked at you causing you to grow slightly red due to all the attention you were getting. They started explaining everything to each other once again while you awkwardly started drawing shapes on the dirt with your small foot. You gave your best attempt at an armored titan though it looked more like a depressed beetle, somehow. Then again art really was not your forte.

Your attention was then caught by the blond who made a sudden movement, "so your name is (y/n)?", you nodded at his question, "my name is Armin."

I already knew that, along with everything that will happen.

At least the big picture of things.

You simply gave him a smile trying to appear normal.

Can't look suspicious

Not yet that is.

"Thanks for earlier." He added.

You tilted your head and asked curiously, "why were they chasing you though?" The boy tensed up at the question and frowned.

"Well, they heard me talking about how mankind's future lied outside the walls."

Eren frowned and furrowed his brows clearly upset. Again why wouldn't he? Both he and Arming have been wanting to see what the outside world is like. Seeing the ocean was probably their number one priority.

The boys started having a serious conversation about the walls and their dreams while both you girls listened quietly. You couldn't help but feel saddened at how smart these kids were, at their age you were simply figuring out who you were and who to be friends with. Unlike these kids who live in constant fear.

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