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The Aeon brought it's clawed hand down

"GELLY" screamed Seth in a panic

"AKI" cried Spike

Blood spilled onto the gravel rooftop as everyone stared in absolute shock

The Aeons gleaming white eyes glaring at Gelly slowly widening as it stared at her 


(I'm evil aren't I) >:)

As Foolscap fell he thought of many ways to try and slow his fall but it was happening so fast he had barely anytime to do anything "Crap I need to slow down my fall or I'll die" thought Foolscap, doing the only thing possible at the moment he dug his claws into the building's concrete side.

After moments of digging his claws into the wall the metal tips broke soon the whole metal part bent off, it was then just firm cloth scraping against the wall. " I should have stopped " thought Foolscap wondering why he was still falling like a knife through the air he then noticed the Aeon still latched to his vest collar " You little shit" growled Foolscap.

Just then he heard a tear, the whole collar of his vest ripped off. The Aeon screeched as it fell still holding the collar of the vest "You get what you fuckin deserve" thought Foolscap "Maybe now I can... AHHHHH" cried Foolscap as the material on his gloves ripped at the fingers. Bare flesh was now scraping against the rough concrete

It hurt like hell, the skin slowly being torn off. Foolscap let go of the wall, the tips of his fingers bleeding. He knew he was about to hit the ground "I need to grab onto something anything" thought Foolscap he noticed a small ledge he attempted to grab it but only ended up dislocating his left shoulder

"GAHH" he screamed again as he fell, he then noticed a beam a ways down it looked sturdy enough to hold his weight, long enough for him to at least somewhat recover. Sadly he forgot the amount of weight his impact would cause, he slammed into the beam far too hard he heard a sickening crack as he did "OOF.....ouch" whined Foolscap as his body slammed into the side he then slid off the beam despite his best effort to stay on it.

"AHHHHHHHHH" he screamed as he fell again he tried once more to stop but before he could he hit the ground very hard. The amount of pain that surged through him made him pass out he was laying very still to the ones still on the roof of the building he looked dead.

"FOOLSCAP" screamed Gavro in a panic as he looked over the edge of the building again and saw his best friend on the ground as still as a board "Fools....." he muttered softly


The Aeon backed away from Gelly and shook itself violently

Aki and Gelly noticed Cretacia on the Aeons back with her scissors in its back "Cretacia" they both said shocked

"CRETACIA GET OFF IT'S BACK" screamed Trias in fear "IT TRIED TO BRING HARM TO AKI AND GELLY NOW IT MUST DIEEEEEEE" screamed Cretacia as she held onto the Aeons back and pulled her scissors out

Spike ran over as quick as a flash, Sheer noticed him holding a handle with a net the end

"HIYAAH"  cried Spike as he slammed the butterfly net over the Aeons head "Didn't work on a T-Rex but it sure works on you" said Spike victoriously

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