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"REESE NO" yelled Zander " Nothing's gonna stop me now Zan!" replied Reese as she turned and stared down at Jim whom was being restrained by Sue now "Kill him Reese! KILL HIM" cheered Sue


Just as Reese raised the pair of scissors in her hands another loud crash diverted her attention " WHAT NOW" yelled Reese

"It would appear that something has busted down the back door" stated Jonathan as he attended to Helga hoping to reactivate the Android

"And what might that something be might I ask" asked Sheer as she reentered the living room holding a bag of popcorn "I don't know" replied Jonathan looking up

"It seems the universe wants you to live boy...your lucky....but your luck will soon run out" warned Reese as Sue let Jim go

Reese lowered her arm holding the scissors "Now let's go see what caused that noise" said Reese

Before anyone could move a large mass shot into the room, it's speed was to great for the size of the room and ended up colliding with a table sending the case and placemats flying off

It howled in pain as it stumbled back from the wrecked table "Aw come on I just bought that table" complained Spike

"Wait a minute...MITTENS" yelled Goma shocked "Where the hell did you come from" asked Gavro surprised by Goma's sudden appearance "And you Mittens"

Mittens saw Goma and immediately ran over and tackled him, the giant bronton nuzzled Goma and purred

"I missed you buddy" giggled Goma as he pet Mittens, "Oh no....not Mittens not them" mumbled Foolscap in a frightened tone

"Oh right I forgot you're scared of Mittens" said Gavro "How could you forget, that furry bugger chased me around for an hour I was scared for my life" snapped Foolscap

"Moron you'd barely make a snack to Mittens let alone a play thing so stop worrying" said Sheer nonchalantly as she tossed popcorn in her mouth

" Whatever...hey wait can I have some of that"

"No fuck off its mine you can go make your own"


"Piss off"

"I promise I'll leave you alone"


"Fine...can I pleaseee have some"

Sheer growled angrily and threw the bag at Foolscap's face hitting him "HAH I win" laughed Foolscap  "How...*gasp* YOU SON OF A BITCH" snapped Sheer angrily "Hehehehe mine now" teased Foolscap 

"Fools...she's gonna break more bones in your body please just give it back to her before that happens" sighed Gavro

"Fine but not before I eat a bit of it"


"Grrr fine"

Foolscap tossed the bag back at Sheer, as she caught the bag Mittens walked over and loudly roared wanting some "Oh not you too" growled Sheer

"Mittens can eat Jim and Dume not the popcorn" said Goma calling Mittens back

Mittens whimpered a little as they trudged back over to Goma "Okay I'm still lost....WHAT IS MITTENS THEY LOOK LIKE A TIGER" asked Max

"Mittens is a bronton they're native to our homeworld" said Goma petting Mittens' head gently

" good are they at devouring bodies cuz I got a few out back at my house" asked Sue "Um good I guess when they're really hungry" answered Goma

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