Alpha Droid Madness!

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"Well this is another fine mess you've gotten us into" growled Zoe glaring at Max "How was I supposed to know those mounds were Alpha Droids" Max snapped back "Well maybe you should have listened to us and left them alone" hissed Sheer

"Can we please fight later" asked Ream annoyed "Yes because it looks like we're going to have to fight these things" said Elora "Heh I can take em all down in one go" said Foolscap with a smug smirk  "Fools you're still injured and no you can't" said Gavro "Just shut up and get ready to fight" snapped Ursula

"ALPHA DROIDS ENOUGH I AM THE MASTER OF THIS DOMAIN SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME " shouted Dr. Z "Doctor I don't think that will work" said Scar "Ya think" growled Ursula "CAPTURE THE INTRUDERS" shouted the squid like Alpha Droid

At that command the Alpha Droids rushed towards the group, as the group got ready to fight two super Alpha Droids popped out of the sand behind them "ACK RUN" shrieked Dume "Huh? AH AHHHHH" screamed Ream as she got grabbed by one of the two Super Alpha Droids

The other super Alpha Droid lunged at Zoe, "NOT TODAY BITCH" snapped Sue as she attacked the droid stopping it from grabbing Zoe

"Thanks Sue" said Zoe with a smile "No problem" said Sue happily

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER" snarled Foolscap as he lunged at the Super Alpha Droid holding his sister "REAM" panicked Gavro and Sheer "LET HER GO" snapped Scar angrily as he rushed at the Droid as well

Alpha droids rushed in while everyone was distracted and tried to grab them "HUH HEY GET OFF OF ME" yelped Max "OH COME ON" growled Zoe as a droid grabbed her wrist "ZOE" yelled Sue as three droids grabbed her restraining her

"ACK LEMME GO" shrieked Sheer as several droids attacked her "PISS OFF BITCHES" snapped Ursula as she kicked a few droids away from her "URSULA HELP" cried Ed as two alpha droids dragged him away "ED"

"ANGEL RUN WHILE YOU CAN" called Zander as he got grabbed by a few Alpha Droids "What no" snapped Reese "I'm going to save you" as she said that she managed to club an Alpha Droid in the head with a large piece of driftwood she found

"Reese...please run" said Zander in a more pleading tone, Reese looked at him with worried eyes. Sh stared into his lovely hazel eyes only being visible from his glass being knocked askew  as three Alpha Droids restrained him "Zander I..."

"ACKKKKK QUIT IT" shrieked Dume as an Alpha Droid grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back "Dammit I guess we can't have a moment" thought Reese annoyed after hearing Dumes shrieks

Reese was about to smack the Alpha Droids holding Zander but was stopped when a droid grabbed her wrist "What the?!"

Reese and the Alpha Droid got into a fight, Reese clubbed the Droid in the head but that only seemed to make it angry. The droid smacked the wood out of her hands and grabbed her arm "REESE" cried Zander as he struggled against the droids more

Reese hit the droid with her fist a few times, she did no damage to the droid and ended up giving herself an injured hand "Damn...tough droids" she thought

Everyone was starting to have a difficult time keeping the droids at bay, "HEY LET GO OF ME" snapped Goma angrily as a Super Alpha Droid grabbed him from behind "GOMA" called Spectre worriedly as he knocked back an Alpha Droid after a few hits

Goma struggled against the droid but to no avail, "Sheer! Help!" cried Dyson as he and Elora were attacked by Alpha Droids "Love to...or maybe not...BUT I CAN'T RIGHT NOW" shouted Sheer as she stabbed a Super Alpha Droid with her magenta scissors  through the head

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