Peace and Quiet????

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Warning: Some suggestive themes in this chapter

_-----1 week later-----_

"Shake a bone shake a bone shake a bone stew ride your own dinosaurs two by two" chanted Dr. Z as he shook the small fossils in his palm before tossing them onto a small map of the world

"Aha! The Czech again just like the last four times " cheered Dr. Z smiling eagerly "Now...what the hell was I doing this for again..." his smile fading when he realized he had forgotten why he was doing this

Dr. Z grumbled to himself as he tried to remember but wasn't successful he did however wonder if he couldn't remember being it very late at night and he was really tired

"I suppose I should rest now since I can't remember what the hell I'm doing...after I shake the bones one more time though" procrastinated Dr. Z as he picked up the bones on the small world map again he for whatever reason decided the room should be a little bit brighter

he clutched the bones in his left palm while looking for the light switch, the candles that were set provided some light but now enough, Dr. Z found a small rope to which he though was connected to the electrical to turn on the lights but was mistaken as it was the rope he used to pull to activate the Alpha Trio's unique wake up routine "Uh oh~" mumbled Dr. Z once he realized what he had done 

For a few seconds everything was still quite then-

Dr. Z could hear everyone who was staying in a room shriek in surprise, Dr. Z slowly inched away from the rope and dashed to put the candles out and hide the map hoping that to make it seem that he had nothing to do with this

Just as he put the last candle out a hole opened up in the ceiling, he looked over and watched as Ursula, Sheer, Reese, Zander, Foolscap, and Gavro fell from it hitting the floor with a loud thud

Dr. Z knew he was about to die and frantically rushed for the door before the ones who had dropped in had time to process what the had just happened Dr. Z rushed from the room only to bump into Helga

"Where do you think you are going" asked the android as they glared down at the Doctor, Dr. Z stumbled on his words a little mainly because of his fear of Helga and his shock of what he accidentally did

As Dr. Z poorly attempted to explain himself, Sheer charged out from the room Dr. Z was just in pissed off she glared at the doctor angrily "Uh love to talk but not right okay see ya byeeee" said Dr. Z in a panic as he rushed away from Helga hoping to outrun Sheer

Sheer chased after the small man in a rage of having her slumber disturbed and also having been thrown from her and Ursula's bed

The rest of the night was quite eventful to say the least, by morning everyone was tired having either been part of the fight that broke out or woke up from all the noise

Nearly everyone was at the breakfast table that morning, those missing were the Space Pirates, Seth and Max


"Say has anyone seen the Space Pirates" asked Zoe curiously "Nope I haven't seen them since last night" said Dr. Z who was covered head to toe in band aids and bandages "Ursula weren't you and Sheer sharing a bed" asked Zoe looking to Ursula

"We are but last night I fell asleep on the couch so I don't know if she's there or not" said Ursula "I bet their still asleep" said Dume as he shovelled some of his breakfast in his mouth "Perhaps, also Dume could you kindly refrain from talking with your mouth full it's disgusting" commented Elora " And Ed um you're sleeping Ream sighed as she stood up "I'll find where they are" she said as she walked out of the room

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