Anyone else gonna fall from the sky

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Previously in Darkness unleashed - - - - -

Max and Rex stared at each other for a few seconds 


"Well well Reese looks like you got yourself a boyfriend"

"Hey Rex can you come with me to the hallway I want to show you something"

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Rex followed Max into the hallway "What is it you wanted to show me Max" asked Rex leaning on the wall

Max reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out the wind stone, he showed the stone plate to Rex who's eyes were wide with shock and surprise "I stumbled on it a while ago " said Max as Rex took the stone and looked at it shocked 

" Max this ... this has to be a fake " said Rex looking at Max " The stones were destroyed when they collided with the Cosmos stones " 

" Maybe or it is the real one and it actually survived the explosion and maybe so did the comsos stones " said Max as he pulled out his stone Rex sighed ""Should I give the Alpha Gang their stones back" asked Max

" You kidding hell no, they'll cause even more trouble than they ever have before" said Rex chuckling "I'm kidding just let Zander and Ed have theirs back don't give Ursula's back until ... ya know we are sure they won't try anything funny I doubt they will but you can never be too careful" said Rex 

Max chuckled "Whatcha talkin bout" asked Dume smirking walking up behind Max, Max almost jumped at his friends surprise "Dume" growled Max turning around to face him with a frown

Dume laughed a little at Max's face "What something I shouldn't know about " asked Dume "That depends" said Rex raising an eyebrow "Oh I see it's hush hush when I'm around you guys hm" said Dume looking at Max 

Max sighed "It's just something you don't need to be concerned about " said Max "Yet" thought Rex 

Dume shrugged "Whatever" he said as he put his hands behind his head and went back into living room where everyone else was " So " said Rex "So what" asked Max confused 

"So, what's the story with him " asked Rex looking at Max, Max sighed "If your thinking I replaced you with him your wrong " said Max walking over to Rex and giving him a tight hug Rex chuckled "Max I would never think that " said Rex returning the hug Max smiled a little "Then what did you really mean" asked Max 

Just as Rex was about to respond they heard Dume shouting in the room next to them breaking the moment , "Just great now what has that clown done" mumbled Max as the two entered the room 

As they entered they noticed Dume staring out the window pointing to something the Alpha Trio was at the window in seconds after hearing Dume shout whatever he yelled "What the heck is going on " asked Rex

Dume pointed out the window to the creature "AGH, Its a wild Reese" joked Dume, Reese flashed a not very amused glare at him " Not the best time " growled Reese. Zander became protective of Reese "Hey! no one insults my girlfriend " growled Zander frowning at Dume his eyes narrowing although they couldn't be seen since Zander had his glasses on 

Dume sighed "what can't take a bit of humor" mumbled Dume "Now is not the time brat" growled Ursula who was still a little triggered from being called an old lady by Dume earlier

Just then the creature threw another one of those orbs it went soaring into the air and exploded tearing another hole in the space time vortex "If that thing keeps that up it could tear apart the fabric of time " said Dr. Ancient in a worried tone " Um just me or am I getting a deja vu feeling " asked Dume "That's because you are, and also that's what happened right before you guys fell from the sky " said Max looking over to the Ancients, Helga, Alpha Gang, Johnathan and Seth

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