The Caverns

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"You didn't have to rub it in you prick" mumbled Ursula

"Wait the same caves where Zoe and I met?" asked Amy "Yes, I assume so" sighed Seth "Anyways, the energy signal emanating from the caves is a 98% match to the cosmos stones energy".

"Great so, a cosmos stone is functioning and can summon a giant evil bird" asked Dume "Yes, now please for greater good of my last remaining brain cell silence yourself child" groaned Elora "Huh?" said Dume only to be swatted upside the head by Elora, Scar gently pulled Elora back "Please don't kill a child" begged Scar "He's killing my brain cells, I have to" growled Elora. 

While that was going on,  the others were wondering what they should do about the cosmos stone. "I say break it, that way no one can use it and won't have to worry about the evil bird" suggested Sue "Easier said than done kid" sighed Sheer "Cosmos stones are invincible". "Well then what do we do then? Leave it alone?" asked Sue Sheer only shrugged in response "What if instead someone kept it" proposed Ream looking to Sheer for approval "I guess, as long as the person it's staying with isn't Seth" muttered Sheer "Why? As much of a jerk he is I don't see why he can't be trusted with it" said Ream confused looking at Sheer.

"You don't know him like we do" said Sheer softly looking at Ream placing a hand gently on her cheek "he's a traitorous scum who shouldn't even be entrusted with a gel jark" Reams expression changed as she gently put her hand on Sheers. Sheer softly smiled and gently brushed Reams cheek with her thumb.

Ream smiled a little as she looked into Sheers eyes, "ALRIGHT LOVEBIRDS ENOUGH" snapped Dr. Z clearly annoyed by how friendly those two were being "Oh sit on a dick fossil face" retaliated Sue "Let them have a moment." Dr.Zs face turned bright red with rage as he turned to face Sue "What did you say to me you little brat" he snarled furiously. "I'm sorry I'm sorry what I said was..." sighed Sue before yelling "SIT ON A DICK FOSSIL FACE!"

Sheer turned away hiding her face as she chuckled softly while thinking "I like this kid." Everyone else was either softly chuckling, killing themselves laughing or just staring in disbelief at what Sue said. Sue turned and looked at those still staring at her "What?" 

" don't really know what that was supposed to mean but I assume something vulgar." stammered Elora "We should get back to the matter at hand." said Scar slightly annoyed with how easy everyone went off topic "If what's emitting the power surges from those caverns is a cosmos stone, I doubt it should be left there." "Agreed, if anyone else finds it and takes it we might as well kiss the earth goodbye." said Ursula.

"But should we worry about a singular stone?" asked Dume curiously "How many are there all together?" "Seven" answered Foolscap "But even one is a danger, we tried using the stones we had with our dinos back when we were searching for the stones and what happened was not pretty." "What do you mean?" asked Dume "Imagine an amped up Amargasaurus, it'd be as delusional and insane as that little gremlin." explained Foolscap motioning to Dr. Z  "Oh, that's uh...that's not good." muttered Dume.

"If you want it to get worse imagine a cosmos stone powered Aeon." suggested Max "Okay! I get the picture!" snapped Dume "Anyways, who's going?" asked Zander "Whoever is willing to go." said Dr. Z "And if their not then I'll make them!" with that Dr. Z pulled out his little electro staffs and held them out for all to see.

"I swear if you even come near me with those" warned Sheer "I'll shove them so far up your ass they'll come out of your mouth." "Realistically that shouldn't be possible but either way please don't" begged Dyson as he gently pulled his sister away "No let her." said Elora "She's got years of pent up short people rage." With her sisters teasing Sheer turned to her annoyed "Don't test me." hissed Sheer. 

"Refrain from that please." pleaded Gelly as she and Ed entered "We have already had one too many fights today." "So what?!" snapped Sheer angrily "Ugh whatever, let's get going before we waste more time and so that we can all go our separate ways you're all making me sick." Ream's ears lowered hearing that "Not you dear." reassured Sheer putting a hand on Reams shoulder, Ream smiled a little and put her hand on Sheers.

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