A Medical Emergency

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T!W!; mentions of possible physical abuse, mentions of a possible miscarriage, Dr.Z being an asshole.

Aki cringed again, holding her abdomen as she slumped over. Spike panicked now really wasn't the best time for a contraction, "Aki is the baby going to be born" asked Spike not even bothering to hide the fear in his voice "It shouldn't yet...I'm not due for another two months" cringed Aki the pain worsening. "Uh...r..right um let me get Gelly or someone capable of handling this..." stuttered Spike before quickly leaving the room.

Spike rushed around trying to find anyone able to assist, as spike rounded a corner he collided into Gelly. "Oh my Gelly I'm so sorry" said Spike as he quickly helped her to her feet "It's okay Dr. Taylor I should have been watching where I was going" said Gelly before quickly bowing in apology. "It's no worry Gelly, but I need your help" said Spike "Aki's either going in labour or miscarrying I don't know".

Gellys eye widened, "But the last time I did a scan everything was fine" said Gelly confused " I know but I think it's everything that's happening right now and what happened to Max the stress has gotten to her" said Spike Gelly nodded. Spike then lead Gelly to the room he and Aki shared, Aki had by now sat on the corner of the bed quivering from the pain. Gelly immediately ran a scan to try and find the cause of this sudden predicament, when the scan finished Gelly had a look of concern on her face "Mrs. Tayl- I mean Aki is going into labour due to the amount of stress, she thankfully shouldn't miscarry  but you must take her to a hospital immediately" said Gelly firmly.

"Can't this be done here, with all do respect I don't want to put her at risk by leaving and being in the open" asked Spike "She's at more risk by staying here, the proper medical instruments needed to insure her survival and the babies are not available here" said Gelly "I can ask Ursula for one of the Alpha craft that would get you there safely". Spike nodded slowly and with that Gelly quickly got up and rushed to find Ursula or anyone of the Alpha Gang, she eventually found Ed and informed him of what was happening.

"Wait is Mrs. Taylor okay!?" questioned Ed as he quickly hurried with Gelly to the backlanders ship hangar, "I...I don't know, it's hard to tell she seems fine but also not fine" said Gelly as she followed after Ed. The two reached the hangar and prepped one of the Alpha Craft for take off, "I should go back and help Spike with Aki...he may need it" said Gelly looking to Ed. "Go, I can handle this" said Ed just then a bolt from the Alpha Craft fell and hit him in the head, "Ow" whined Ed rubbing his head Gelly softly giggled before rushing out of the room and to where the Taylor's were.

"Gelly a little help please" said Spike as he tried to help Aki walk, Gelly nodded and helped Spike help Aki to walk. "Spike...I'm...I'm fine..." said Aki her speech slurring, "Save your strength dear! Just use Gelly and I as a brace" said Spike Aki nodded slowly as she continued to struggle to walk. The three eventually made it to the hangar again to find Ed viciously smacking a bolt back into place on the wing of the Alpha Craft with a spanner, "Please stay!" Begged Ed "Please!".

"Ed?" called out Gelly confused, "Ah sorry, the ship it was um...never mind the ship is prepped for take off and auto pilot has been engaged so you don't need to touch anything" said Ed as he hid the spanner behind his back. Gelly nodded and helped Spike aid Aki in getting into the Alpha Craft. Once Aki was inside, Spike crawled into the Alpha Craft nearly succeeding but ended up falling in and landing on the floor. Spike groaned sitting up, he looked to his wife to see her chuckling softly a small smile formed he loved seeing her happy.

As Spike sat in the pilots seat the glass visor lowered and sealed over the cockpit, the Alpha Craft began to fire up the engines starting with a soft humming sound then loudly roaring as that went on the control panel lit up revealing the status of the engine, fuel, and life support. Spike glanced out the side of the cockpit window and noticed Gelly waving goodbye to them, he waved back with a smile before the Alpha Craft took off. Gelly watched the craft fly through the opened hangar doors and climb to flying altitude, "Stay safe" muttered Gelly her voice phasing in and out of Spike and Akis voices.

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