-LAMP fluff- SPD

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Summary: Virgil begins notice certain habits that Logan has... like how he despises loud noises, avoids certain foods, or has trouble with certain tasks. He thought of these things simply as things Logan didn't like, until he notices other habits.

Warnings: none, unless you need reassurance that SPD is going to damage your mind.. it won't.

Definition of SPD: SPD, otherwise known as Sensory Processing Dissorder is an inability to process information received through our senses for generating appropriate responses. The result of this is a decreased ability to respond to sensory information in order to behave in a meaningful & consistent way. It can also lead to difficulty in using sensory information to plan and organise our own body & make sense of the environment in which we function thus impacting on our ability to learn. People with SPD may have Heightened reactivity to sound, touch or movement, Under-reactivity to certain sensations e.g. not noticing name being called, being touched, high pain threshold. Seeking increased amounts of auditory, tactile or movement input e.g. making noises to self, constantly touching objects/people, being “on the go”. Appears lethargic/disinterested; appearing to mostly be in own world. Difficulty regulating own behavioural and emotional responses; increased tantrums, emotional reactive, need for control, impulsive behaviours, easily frustrated or overly compliant. Difficulty mastering activities of daily living e.g. dressing, tying shoe laces, self-feeding. Poor sleep patterns or Restricted eating habits or picky eater

(This should not be used to self diagnose. If you have any concern that you may have SPD, contact a licensed doctor to discuss it.)

Now, on to the story!

-Virgil's pov-

I smiled as Patton served us our lunch, sandwiches.
Roman's and my sandwich were the same, consisting of ham, mayo, cheese and lettuce.
Patton's was, of course, a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, I'm sure comes to no one as a surprise.
Logan's was a ham and cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off.

We began to eat, making small talk between bites.
As Roman and Patton began chatting, I zoned out, thinking intently as I ate.
It had been a few months since we all got together, and I had began noticing certain things about the others.
For example, Patton always swayed his hips when he walked, and, might I add, he looked damn good doing it.
Roman sometimes talked in his sleep, rehearsing lines from a musical/ play/ movie, or just spouting outright nonsense.
And Logan... well I noticed quite a bit about Logan. He doesn't like certain types of physical touch- he would always startle easily if we touched his neck, thighs, or his arms.. He never ate the crusts from bread, intact, he completely avoided the edges.

I was startled out of my thoughts as Patton shouted, "Fruit time!"
Everyone, including me, had finished they're sandwiches, and it was now a routine to eat a fruit after every meal. He brought out the fruit basket, placing it on the table.
3 apples and a banana were in the basket, and we all scrambled to take one of the fruit.

I took an apple, smirking as I bit into it.
By the time I took my third bite, I noticed that the apples had been taken, but not the banana.
Logan was staring at the fruit with an unreadable expression.
"Umm..  Logan? You're not gonna eat that?" I asked, and he looked at me.
"Oh- apologies, my dear, but I dislike bananas. " he said, and I instantly felt bad.
"Oh... then do you want my apple? I'll take the banana and-" "That will not be necessary, Virgil. I apologise, but I am going to my room. Thank you for the food." Logan said, getting up and rushing away to his room.

I looked to Roman and Patton, who looked just as confused as I felt.

-Time skip brought to you by chicken nuggers and bbq sauce-

-No one's pov-

Roman, Patton, and Virgil were cuddling on the couch, watching Moana.
Logan had refused to join, due to the fact that he had work to do, but Virgil was getting worried.
He stood up, kissing both Roman and Patton's cheeks, quickly excusing himself so that he could check on Logan.
He gently knocked on Logan's door, waiting for a moment.
Upon receiving no answer, he walked in to find Logan working, sucking on the tip of his tie absentmindedly.
"Logan?" Virgil called, making Logan flinch at the sudden noise.

Logan swiveled around, his tie still in his mouth.
Virgil looked at him, confused. "Lo? Why are you sucking on your tie? You're gonna ruin it.." He commented, and Logan instantly took his tie out of his mouth as if he was surprised he had even had it in his mouth.
"I- uh..." Logan stumbled over his words, flustered, and what seemed to be panicked.
"I apologise, b-but I have work to do!" Logan said quickly, pushing Virgil towards the door way, "I love you, goodbye!" He exclaimed as he shut the door behind Virgil.
Virgil was left confused and disappointed by the door, desperately trying to figure out what was going on.

Events like this were not uncommon for the events of the next month, and Virgil had started keeping a journal and writhing down anything that seemed important, but would put a large X beside the suggestion if he proved it wrong.

-avoids certain foods, ex; Bananas, Crust, Apple sauce, crême brulée, Pie-only if served with ice cream on top.
-rarely sleeps
-gets aroused by princy's morning voice × I mean, who doesn't? It's so deep and gravely and- oh- oh... goddamnit.
-started when touched in certain places without warning, ex; thighs, neck, arms.
-randomly chews on stuff
-can't stand loud sounds, ex; princy singing, tv volume up too high, glass shattering (he asked Patton to toss him a cup, he knew he made a mistake as soon as he said 'toss')
-sometimes doesn't respond to name ?????? he wears ear plugs when reading, but then again, sometimes he doesn't respond while watching a show or simply walking...
-has a hard time with ting his shoes, doing up the buttons on his shirts
-none of his clothing have any tags, nor does he own any silk.
-never farts × he does, he just hides it.. silent but deadly. It's horrible.
-will panic if any of the above occurs

Virgil sighed as he read over his notes, re-reading and reviewing.
What could it be? Autism? No, Logan already told him that he didn't have that.. maybe just quirks? No, there's too many coincidences coorilating to-
That's when it hit him. Logan had once mentioned something about SPD.. did he have SPD? It's possible, and all signs lead to yes..
Virgil got off his bed and rushed out of his room, NEEDING to know if he had gotten it right.

Virgil stood in front of Logan's door for a moment before walking in, seeing Logan panicking on his bed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he covered his ears.
Virgil could hear Roman singing in his room, and he walked over to Logan.
"Logan.. Lo... hey, are you okay?" He asked gently, and Logan shook his head frantically, panicking.
Virgil slowly wrapped his arms around Logan, making him flinch, but Logan soon relaxed, clinging to Virgil.
Virgil gently ran his fingers through Logan's hair, ignoring the fact that Logan had started suckling on one of his hoodie strings, effectively soaking it.

Roman stopped singing about 20 minutes later, off for his afternoon run.
Logan and Virgil stayed in that position for awhile, until Virgil finally spoke up.
"Logan, hun..? Do you have SPD?" He asked, and Logan instantly scrambled away from him, almost falling off the bed.
"How did you find out? " he asked accusingly, his eyes narrowing behind his squared glasses.
Virgil let out a breathy chuckle, rolling his eyes fondly, "listen, Logan, it's okay. Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you with panicking, and kept certain things to a minimum." Virgil said, gathering Logan into his arms.

Logan hesitantly cuddled up to Virgil, sighing softly as Virgil began playing with his hair again. There was a gentle knock on the door before Patton and Roman walked in, smiling.
They crawled onto Logan's bed, joining the cuddle session. The four stayed there for a little while before Logan spoke.
"Roman? Patton can I tell you something?" He asked, bitting his lower lip. The two nodded, silently waiting for Logan to speak.
Logan hesitated for a moment, muttering a quiet, "I have SPD.."
"Is that all, nerd? You know we love you, no matter what. Now, cuddle time!" Roman exclaimed, making Logan wince, and Patton hushed him. "Logan, sweetheart, than you for telling us, I know that it took a lot of courage." Patton praised.

Virgil was slightly shocked that Logan had decided to tell them, but certainly didnt complain. The four lovers continued to cuddle and exchange gentle, loving kisses for the rest of the day, and they eventually worked out solutions to help Logan with his SPD.

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