Rebel sighed looking out the window as she did the dishes.

"Mommy?" Three year old Raya called walking into the kitchen. Rebel smiled down at her daughter. "Yea baby?" She asked lifting the girl. "Frankie won't read to me. Will you?" Rebel sighed looking back at the sink. "I- What about Daddy or Erik?"

"Dad said no. He's hurtting." Rebel frowned. "Okay, why don't you go pick a book out and ask your brother. Of he says no then I will okay?" She asked putting her daughter down. The girl smiled and walked off to find Erik.

"Hey you okay?" Rebel asked sneeking into the den. Mick was sitting in the large recliner with the TV on. "Mick?" She asked walking farther into the dark room.

"Hello?" She asked stepping in front of the TV. "Huh?" He asked softly. "I asked if you were alright." Rebel said looking him over. He was so skinny and pail, he was the smalliest she had ever seen him actually.

"Mickey!" She snapped when his eyes left her again. "I- What do you want me to say?" He asked in a tone.

"If your okay or not!" She said stepping closer. "I've never been okay." He muttered. Rebel sighed looking her husband over.

"Stop- Look we have this dance a lot Mick." She said crossing her arms. The guitarist huffed.

"What dance?" He asked adjusting himself in his chair. "The you won't do what the doctors say dance- I have to nag you until you do it and then you say- Wow I should have done this years ago!" Rebel said with a look.

Mick scoffed. "I'm not doing this- I am too damn young to be getting another hip replacement!" He snapped. After his injury on stage he had to have a few sergurys- He had no say in. Mick had his right hip replaced amd now the doctors are saying he needs his left on as well. "But Mick-." Rebel started. He groandd. "I already feel like an old man- I won't be getting worked on like one!" He snapped. "I'm fouty-Five! Not eighty-Five!" He snapped.

"Mick, it doesn't matter what age you are! If you want to feel better amd make it to eighty- Then you'll just do it and get it over with ready! You know how much better your right one feels- So just stop being a stubbern man and do it!" Rebel snapped.

"No." Mick said closing his eyes. "Mick I swear-." She started stomping over to her husband. She leaned down as close to him as I could.

"All you ever do is complain and act hard headed! You never do anything with me or your kids-." Mick grabbed her wrists and stood.

"I never do anything because I can't fucking move! I can hardly do anything anymore! This last tour about killed me- But did the guys care? NO- Do you care- NO!" He screamed in her face.

"Hold on a second Robert Allen Deal, you know I care about you- I love you. You have no idea what I felt when you were getting worked on. They said you might not walk again!" She snapped about to cry. " I nag you because I want you to get help! I'm so proud of you for going to rehab with the guys, you made an increadible album together - You. I love you more than anything- So don't you dare stand there and tell me that I don't care about you!" She screamed.

Erik said sitting in Raya's room. "Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting big brother?" The boy frowned. "They keep doing that. It seems like it's over but then they always start back." He muttered. The first two years of Raya's life was picture perfect and then Rebel and Mick started fighting again. Frankie rolled her eyes. She was laying in bed on the phone when her parents started screaming down stairs. "Oh yea Neil, again." She answered her boyfriend.

"Is it about us?" Neil asked sitting in his fatgers kitchen. Vince frowned hearing his son sound so low.

"No. About Dad not wanting help-Again." Frankie muttered. When Frankie and Neil first got together- Let's just say Mick wasn't happy.

Frankie celabrated her fourteeth birthday by telling Neil how she felt.

When her mother asked her if she wanted a birthday party Frankie said no. She just wanted to to spend time with her friends, Neil included.

Frankie and Neil were close growing up, then Neil was gone because his mother wanted him away from Vince. But when ten year old Neil came back and was aloud around again, he and Frankie got close once again. So close that Frankie started to have feelings for Neil.

Frankie was to nurvous to tell the older boy like she wanted to- So she showed him. Almost a morrior of what happened with Stormy and Axl. The difference was that Neil wasn't that much older. The boy returned her feelings and the pare started dating. Mick was NOT happy. Vince of course started measing with guitatist and said one day they'd be in laws.

"I can't do this with you right now. I have to read Raya her story and finish cleaning. It's not like I'm getting anywere anyway right?" Rebel asked upset. Mick watched her stomp out of the den. "Right." He muttered to himself looking at his hand.

Mick was starting to belive he was poison to the people he loved.


I have way too much to keep track off with this fanfiction my God lol

Okay so take aways from this chapter.

Izzy and Michelle are now Married and having a baby.

Steven and Duff have Steveie now!

Mick needs his other hip replaced but will not do it. His hands and neck are hurting him really bad.

Tommy lee gets to see Colson and Ava on the weekends. He gets to see Jenny basically every day. He is noe married for the 3d time to actress Pamela Anderson. They are having a child together.

Slash has a new girlfriend and a new child....

Also just because..

Athena has had her child with Rikki. Poison are touring the world at the moment.

That is all. Thanks.

Also I am kind of rushing it a little becuse I really want to get to the next book.

Would you guys mind if I finished this one up in one or two more chapters and jumped into the next one?

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Where stories live. Discover now