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This chapter flashs back to 1997, showing the day that Sebastian and Joan really started to date.

After she bumped into the man in 1995 he started to hang around her more-Seeing just how upset she was over her divorce. By the point of this chapter she and Mick are offically divorced. Joan is struggling with there first annivarsay since the divorce.



Joan held her head. Unable to belive after so many years, it was over. She thought Mick would change his mind- Try and fix it all- They'd done counceling in the past so some small part of her wished they could stay together. Since she was sixteen Mick Mars had been her life and now he was the reason she wanted to die. It was the fifteeth annaversay they would have shared, but they got divorced after fourteen year of marrage.

She gulped sitting alone at the bar, it was an three hours to closing time and the man behind the bar had had enough of the broken girl. Noan had been there basically all day. "I need another one!" She called out to the bar tender, the man rolled his eyes. "I think youve had enough-." The man started with his arms crossed. "No-Nothing will ever be enough! This should be the fifteenth year annivarsay of my marrage- Bit instead I'm celabrating almost a year since my divorce. This day just reminds me that my life is over- Now give me another drink!" She snapped, slamming her hand down on the bar.

"Two of whatever the lady has been drinking. Thanks man." Sebastian said sitting in the stool next to her. "What are you doing here?" She asked. The man sighed. "I was worried about you-Stormy is too. She called me to see if I'd talked to you latly- Sorry we kind of lost touch but I started a solo album and you know how that goes-But I wanted to check on you." He said softly, moving her hair out of her face. Before she could say anything Nikki, Tommy and Vince all sat at the bar. They were all worried about her and thought they'd track her down, they didn't know Sebastian was still talking to her.

"Make it five dude!" Tommy yelled when the bar tender slid two drinks to Sebastian and Joan.

Nikki crossed his arms amd gave his terror twin a look. "Four!" He snapped. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked glancing at Nikki. "We wanted to make sure our little Doll baby was alright." Vince said with a smile. "How you feeling Rebs? I know how sickly divorce can make you feel." Tommy said with a frown, he put his arm around the girl. "You should know." Sebastian muttered with a smirk. Tommy scoffed and flipped the singer off. The drinks were slide to to group. Nikki huffed and handed it to Tommy. He didn't want to be around it- But he wanted to be there for his cousin.

"Rebel, I know your hurtting right now- But drinking like this isn't helping anything. Think of Stormy, Frankie, Erik and Raya. They're all hurting too but they arn't drinking themselves to death. They need you." Nikki said softly. "Where are the kids anyway?" Tommy asked. Joan picked her glass up and frowned. "With Mick." She muttered.

A few hours had passed and Nikki had already left. He didn't want to continue being around it all. Joan wouldn't even hear him out at the moment.

Vince sat next to Joan. He had only two shots, but Tommy had a little too much. Tommy was laying his head on Sebastians shoulde out of it. Vince frowned watching Joan take another shot. "I thought Mötley Crüe were suposted to be crazy and wild when it comes to drinking and stuff." Sebastian said looking at the drummer on his shoulder. "Well weve all been clean for awhile now. I should get Tommy home. Will you be alright of we go Doll?" Vince asked trying to get Tommy off Sebastian.

"Sure." She muttered, looking down. "I'll keep an eye on her man." Sebastian said helping Vince get a hold of Tommy.

"I might need help with Tommy too!" Vince muttered trying to keep the taller man upright.

Sebastian smirked and helped the other singer with the drummer. "I'll be right back." Sebastian called helping Vince and Tommy.

Joan rolled her eyes when a Mötley Crüe song came over the radio."Hey buddy, turn that off!" She snapped at the bartender. "You got a problem with this son?" He asked. Joan stood up. "Hey I have an issue with the bands guitarist and the big fucking lie of a song he wrote!" She snapped.

'Without you' was playing. "You were just hanging out with some of the band." She rolled her eyes. "Yea. I was married to the ass hole guitarist- Turn it!" She snapped standing. "I thought you looked familar." The man muttered. She groaned and turned the station.

'Forever this time I know it theres no doubt in my mind Forever-'

Joan smirked. Kiss would work. Mick hates Kiss!

"KISS!" Sebastian yelled with a smile. "Yea!" He continued walking back to the bar. She smirked remebering Sebastian actually loved KISS.

"My lady, would you please dance with me?" The man asked holding out her hand. "But the songs almost over." Joan muttered. "So-Its the radio. Another one will come on." He said pulling her closer.

Joan started laughing when the next song came on. "I think I know this one." Sebastian muttered, he slipped his hands high up her hips.

"They called us problem child we spend our lives on trial!" Sebastian yelled head banging. Joan laughed and started doing it too.

"Wow headache!" She snapped holding her head. Sebastian laughing and helped her fix her wild hair.

Joan gulped looking into the laughing mans eyes. "Hey Sebastian." She whipered. "Y-Yea?" He asked a little taken back my the look in the girls eyes. Before Sebastian could do anything Joan pulled him into a hard kiss. Sebastians eyes grew in shock. "Whats wrong?" She asked pulling away because the man made no move to kiss her back.

"I-Well babe, I-I don't want to take advantage of you-." Sebastian rambled. "Look you don't have to make anything up just because your not into it or me." She said pulling away from him. "Thats not it at all. I think your the sexiest thing ive ever seen but I-." He started. "You wouldbt be taking advantage of me- I-I just wanted to try finding someone who wont rip my heart out and I thought it could be you." She said playing with the mans long hair.

She said pulling him into another kiss, this time he kissed her back. The bartender sighed. "Time to go! I need to close the play up- Go make out somewhere eles." He said pulling on Sebastian. "G-Got it." He said picking Joan up. She lost it laughing as he packed her out of the bar.

"Joan, I want you to know that I'd never hurt you like -." Before Sebastian could finish she pulled him into another kiss.

Sebastian helped her on the back of his bike and they drove off.

Flash back chapter showing the reason behind Joan and Sebastian hooking up.

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Where stories live. Discover now