Heaven & Hell

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Motley crue will hit the last leg of the Dr. Feelgood tour on April 2nd of 1990. The world tour has been there biggest yet. But since being back home on break each band member has delt with different home lives. Some seem perfect while others... Not so much.

(Febuary 1990) (two month tour break.)

If you asked Tommy Lee how his life was going he'd give you one word to describe it... 'Epic' while most likely adding in a 'dude' or 'man' after it.

He had an amazing wife and three great daughters, he was also about to have a son. Heather was one month away from having there son and Tommy couldn't be happier. Heather was happy too, but on the other hand Tommy would once again be gone, leaving her not only with three year old Ava, but a new born son. ( The twins also come visit every other weekend) Needless to say Heather wasn't happy. She hadn't gotten a chance to act since she found out about Ava. She loved her family, but she needed time to herself and missed her career.

If Vince had one word to describe how his life was going right about now it would be one of two.

'Fucking perfect' or. 'Perfect' But knowing Vince it would be the first one.

He had everything. A beautiful wife, amazing kids, a great career, and his motley family. Hell even Rebel actually cared for him.

Vince was finally having time with Neil and Elle again, and Beth was being a great help. He was sober, he never cheated on her once and the band was doing great, she really has become the love of his life- They have truly become best friends over the years and it took Vince being with someone different than his normal go to girl- To find true happiness in life.

If you gave Nikki one would it would simply be 'Perfection'. Rebel was in his life once again,
he had been dating a modle named Brandi for a year now, he was one hundred percent clean of everything, had an great relationship with his daughter and the band was doing great. The album and first go of the tour had broke records. He never dreamed he could have a life like this- Everything was just perfect.

Mick would need about three words. ' Hell yet heaven.'

His back was destroying him, that was the hell part- Everything eles in his life felt like Heaven.

He had his Princess. Stormy was doing amazing as a mother, he was a grandfather, Frankie and Erik are great children and the band was going good. He had what he always dreamt of. Other than the back pain, he could totally do without the pain. But everything eles amazing..

Storms one word would be 'huh?'

She wasnt sure what was going on. She had an amazing son, her fatger was okay with everything and she was with her Rosie but- Rosie was off.
Actually all of Guns N Roses were off and she had no idea why.

Steven and Duff seemed off. Slash and Michelle were over, Izzy was angry all the time and Axl was depressed.

That was Axl's one word -Depressed.

They were all working on another album but it seemed like nothing was getting done.

When Storm woke up in the middle of the night do to a feeling her one world to describe her life at the moment went from 'huh' to a big 'nightmare'.

She wasn't sure what to do- But she knew she had to do something and fast....


Next will show what happened when Storm woke up. Also some Vince/ Beth fighting, Nikki needing Rebel's help with something big. Lonny bugging Rebel. Tommy's. Epic world crumbling and Mick's life gettinf just a little easier... Maybe?

Thanks for reading.

Hope you liked this mess of a chapter.

Also some knew people will be added soon.

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