Terms,Conditions & Family secrets

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Not gonna lie to you guys. This chapter is a long one.

It mainly follows Nikki and the group that went with him and his half siblings. But it also shows Stevie, Duff and Michelle talking over baby stuff. And also has a small date for Michelle and Izzy.

I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing.

I made up Nikki's fathers family. I gave the man five brothers and two sisters.

I will try and explain why Frank left Nikki and his mother. Why he got remarried and mad two children and why he told older Nikki that he was a mistake that he didnt want.

I relize that this chapter will most likely conflict with what I have had in the past (the first book) But in doing research for my hopefully spin off book about Axl and Storm, I relized that I messed her age up AMD a few other things thag I really need to go back and fix. Also I knkw that I have issues with cahoers and spelling ( stupid oddocorrect)

Anyway Frank Sir died a week ago to the day of this chapter.

Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna was a beloved son, brother and father. The fifty-five year old man leaves behind wife of thirty three years Kathrine May Fernna (Rose) and two children. Son Rodney Anthony Feranna and daughter Lisa Serafino Feranna.

He died on January 12th 1994. He lived a long, love filled life and he will be missed.

Anyway heres the next chapter.

January,18th 1994.

Michelle sat at a large table with a contract placed in front of her. Steven and Duff sat on the other side of the table and Doc stood off to the side.

"I dont think this is nessasary!" Stevie said. "I told him we can just trust you!" The drummer contuned. Michelle sighed looking from the upset Stevie to Duff. The man had his arms crossed amd a dark look in his eyes.

"And I told you that if you want her to be the one to do this then she has to sign the contract!" Duff snapped at his boyfriend without looking away from the girl.

"But I-." Michelle shook her head. "Its alright Stevie, really." Michelle said softly.

Doc cleared his throat. "All this is is precaution. Its just stating that you and Duff would be the soul guardians of the baby. It states that Michelle will give up all rights to the child. She will be nothing to it but-."

"The person who helped give it life!" Steven snapped. Duff looked to his boyfriend. "But it would be our baby. Our family-She wouldnt be anything!" The man snapped.

"But I wanted her to be the godmother!" Stevie snapped. Duff rolled his eyes.

Before a fight could break out the girl picked the pen up and started signing her name.

"There-Done." She said with a happy smile. "Thank you." Stevie said softly.

"Like I said. I just want to help." She said glancing at Duff. Doc picked the papers up and sighed. "Alright. Next step involves doctors. Thats a you guys thing."

The man walked off. "Thanks!" Stevie screamed.

Axl smirked watching Izzy get dressed. "Remind me again why you wanted my stuff?" The singer asked.
"Nothing I had seemed good enough." Izzy aswnered.

"Uncle Axl!" Erik screamed. "Whats up?" The man asked standing from his bed. "Izzy said she needs you!" Axl sighed. "Thats two Izzys that need me today." The man muttered leaving his room.

"Hey Erik!" Izzy called before the boy left the bedroom. "Huh?" He asked.

"What do you think about this? I have a date later today." The man said turning for the child.

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang