Pray for me (2000)

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(March, 14th 2000)

Nikki and Rebel both sat inside their radio booth, once again doing the afternoon radio show they both have been co-Hosting since the end of 1997. Joan mouth along to the words of the song playing, why she worked on her newest song. She was trying to make another album with her band the black Hearts but that was becoming a challenge lately.

Nikki smirked as the song came to an end.

"And that was Alice Coopers classic School out. Up next we have a few more great rock hits to come and before the show ends tonight I have a surprise for everyone- But until then let me leave you with this- A gift. This is a new protect of mine, myself and Miss Joan Jett *cough cough* actually SIXX. "

Joan rolled her eyes and made a face at her cousin. "Whatever man, just get on with whatever your running your mouth about!" Nikki snickered. "Check out our new band- Sixx a.m. This is our first single but we have a lot more planned out. The name of the band is spelled S. I .X.X A.M. As in Sixx for my last name as well as Joans and then the A stands for the groups guitarist DJ Ashba ." Joan hit a bottom on the sound station and a guitar riff blasted. "He's a cool guy, real layed back." The first time Joan met DJ and Michael things were odd. "Yea he is, and so is our new lead singer, the M stands for James Michael. " Joan felt her stomach do a flip, not since Mick had a man mad her feel the things she was done about James.

"We all came up with the name together and honestly I think it works. Anyway let's get this going. Our new song is called Pray for me, we just finished filming the music video for it a few weeks back." Nikki said with a smile. Nikki was loving that his little Rebel had agreed to being in the band and that she seemed to be doing okay after the terrible way 1999 ended. Sebastian was just a nice destruction for the hurt woman, Nikki could tell she felt something for the new singer, he could tell whenever Joan was around the man, Nikki snickered thinking about the first time she met DJ and James. "Making the video was fun- And guys, you'll get to see all over me in this." Nikki huffed. "Right -Joan stars in the video and she also helped write the song. Don't worry everyone We will explain it more and when we do - callers with Sense- I'll hear everyone's thoughts and I'm sure I'll be hearing a lot of you asking about Mötley Crüe-." A long sigh left Nikki and Joan looked down at her hands. "And Huh- Yea I guess we'll all talk about that too." He muttered knowing that Mötley was forever over.

Vince continued making solos, he and Beth are still happily married. Vince is finally living a good, stable happy life, he just wished Stephanie was still with them. Tommy's once again in a new relationship, this time with singer Prince's ex-wife. The mans new wave punk band 'Methods of Mayhem' didn't last long, but that didn't stop Tommy from starting another project- This time a solo album. And Mick..... Mick was already divorced for a third time, Emi took a lot in that terrible Divorce, Mick was just happy for it all to end and he was thankful there were no kids involved, he'd already had to deal with that twice now in divorces of his past. Now Mick seemed to lock himself away in his home, never coming out or letting anyone inside- Not even is own children. Mick was lost, alone and depressed. He started drinking and doing any kind of drug to help his now unbearable pain. Not just the pain in his body, but his heart. Mick knew now his daughter was right, he needed his Princess back, but it was too late.

Nikki sighed talking away about how Mötley was at an end. Joan was over it and wanted to get on with the show, after all they had to meet DJ and James after this. "Anyway guys here it is." Joan said as Nikki continued to babble.

Tommy screamed like a child that has had nothing but sugar for weeks as he skateboarded around "Tommy Land". Tommy Purchased the mansion in 2000 and based his new music video from his home showcasing its pool and his new addiction, car collecting.

His children seemed to come from anywhere and everywhere around the home. Harley and Ashley both stood at the top of the stairs, watching their father together with a mirroring look like ' how are we the only adults in this place? ' Look.

Kells, now eight was following behind his father on skates also screaming like a child who had had to much candy- And he actually had. Brandon and Jagger Lee now five and and four were playing sword fighting with lightsabers. Jen, his daughter with Kory, was also visiting Tommy Land. Now ten she was playing around in the studio connected to the house. Ava now twelve was sitting on the couch watching MTV on the large screen Television in her fathers living room with a few of Tommy ' favorite people' as he put it when he called around begging everyone to come over and check out not only his new place since no one had been over just yet- And he wanted everyone to watch his new solo music video together.

This was also why he had all eight of his children at his home at one time. Yea- EIGHT CHILDREN.

Harley Rebel Lee & Ashley Athena Lee share Lita Ford as a mother.

Ava Deen Lee & Colson Thomas Kelly Lee both share a mother as Heather Locklear.

Jennifer Kimber Cooper is the daughter of Kory Jennifer Cooper and Tommy Lee, she was conserved why Tommy was in rehab. She is now (11) She is the only Child of Tommy to not share the Lee last name. (Well the only known- Remember he also has a daughter named Heather with Model Bobbi Brown, but to save her relationship with her then Fiancé the lead singer of the band warrant.

Heather has no idea who her real father is.


Mick will end up okay, don't worry guys

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