One Month Later

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Tommy took a breath looking at the blue appartment door.

He glanced at the crumbled up paper one final time to make sure he had the right place before he closed is eyes and knocked on the door.

"I don't get it Rebel, why would they want me back?" Vince asked sitting at his kitchen table with his wife and Rebel.

"After all they kicked me out-They replaced me.. Johns cool-But they still did that to me. Why go back?" Vince asked with his arms crossed.

"Because they miss and love you Vince, your fans and the guys. Motley isnt the same. The sound isnt the same. Hell John was the one to bring this up!" Rebel said looking into the mans eyes.

"But then what would he do?-John." Beth asked. Rebel sighed. "Said he could just play guitar and give backing or leave-He just wants Mötley to be Mötley again. Just like I do." She said taking the other singers hand. Vince gulped looking around the room.

"I-I could talk about it I guess." He muttered. Rebel smiled looking at Beth.

Kory opened the door and blinked. "T-Tommy?" She muttered dropping the dish she was holding. "Shit sorry!" She snapped bending down to clean up the glass.

"Mommy?" A little girls voice called from somewhere inside the appartment. "No-Jenny, stay back baby, mommy made a mess." She sighed mind going crazy.

"Is that-Her?" Tommy asked softly. "You mean her as in the kid you didn't want?" Kory snapped in a whisper. "I never said I didn't-." The drummer started.

"You said I was a crazy groupie! You lied to everyone-Your band, friends, the media and your now ex!" She snapped glaring at him.

"I know and I'm sorry okay. But Heather would have -."

"What? Left you and took the kids? She already did that! Now you think what Tommy Lee- You can knock on my door and take my daughter because someone took yours?!"

Tommy gulped looking at the upset girl. "I thought what we had meant something to you-I thought I did. But I was dead wrong. I was just something for you to have and play with until you got your movie star bitch back! Do you not understand that I've been doing this all on my own?I don't have money or f-family-."

"Mommy!" Jenny said walking to the door. "I said stay back!" Kory snapped making her daughter frown, until she noticed Tommy. "Who that?" The six year old asked looking up at Tommy.

She had her mothers eyes but her fathers hair, nose and lips.

"No one Jennifer, please just get back before you get-."

The child yelped in pain and picked her right foot up. "Cut." Kory muttered. "See what you did!" She snapped at Tommy, grabbing the door.

"Don't freak- We can -."

"There is no we-Now leave!" Tommy stopped the woman from slamming the door in his face. "Wait a second- You called my house- You told the media everything and you-."

"That was before you went and called-Said all that about me -That was before." Kory muttered holding her daughter. "Now please just go. I-Can't deal with this right now. I have to go to work soon." She muttered with a dead look in her eyes.

"I could stay with Jenny why you go." Kory gulped. "I already have a-."

"I'd pay you! Please-I need this." Tommy said with sadness in his tone and eyes.

Kory gave the man a look. She really didn't have money to pay a babysitter anymore. And Tommy Lee is the little girls father.

Tommy was giving her a lost puppy look.

Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötley Crüe Family Est.1981 sequel)Where stories live. Discover now