Just Another Pyscho

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Okay so I will just continue this book and make it longer because if I don't this one would only be 40 chapters and I can't have that.

So this book will basically be a mash up of two of my books. But oh well lol

Also Skylar will get some time in this chapter.

(2 months later)

Vince and Nikki were having a private conversation on the other side of the studio. "So she's staying with you again?" Nikki asked confused. "Yea man, like she showed up one night with the kids. She looked- rough." Nikki sighed glancing at his cousin.

"Nikki, I don't think Rebel and Mick are doing so hot anymore." Vince continued. Nikki sighed and turned his attention to Mick, the guitarist was laying on the studio couch.

"Yea but come on Vince, It's Rebel and Mick. If anyone in the world is really meant to be together it's them. Things will work out-They always do." Nikki said with a smile. Vince frowned looking at Rebel, she was sitting behind the drums with that same sadness in her eyes.

Nikki didn't understand it like Vince did. The singer didn't understand why Rebel went to him.

(A week ago.)

Rebel had had enough. She just asked the man if he was coming to be. It was late and all she wanted was an answer. But once again a fight broke out and it was all Rebel could take. She walked away from Mick and went upstairs to Frankie's room.

"Wow-Mom what's up?" The girl asked getting blinded by her bedroom light. "I-I need get away for a little- Can you help me get your sister ready-Please." Rebel muttered. Frankie could tell her mom was about to break. "Yea-Sure Mom, anything." Frankie said leaving her bedroom. Rebel took a deep breath and went across the hall to her sons room.

"Erik." Rebel whispered shaking the boy. "Erik, wake up." She said turning his light on. The groaned and looked up at his mother. "Is everyone okay?" He asked after he nkticed the time. "No. I-I need to get away and I-." The boy sat up in bed. "Away from Dad?" He asked. "Smart boy. Come on." Rebel muttered. "Where we going?" Erik asked a little confused.

"So it's not Christmas?" Raya asked as Frankie helped her with her sheos. "No." The older girl answered. "Or my birthday?" Frankie shook her head. "Nope." She said struggling since her sister wouldn't stop moving her legs. "God man, Ray, stop moving!" She snapped. The little girl froze. "Sorry Sissy." She muttered, patting her sister on the head. "Yea whatever. Raya, please stop touching me." The child huffed. "Sorry that I love you!" She snapped. Frankie rolled her eyes. "Okay so if it's not Christmas or my birthday-Or yours..Then why are we up?" The little girl asked. Frankie groaned and tossed her head back. "Was I really like this?"

"Yes." Mick answered from the door way. "Dad?" The man sighed. "She taking you with her huh?" Frankie stood up and crossed her arms. "Yea. Shes really messed up. What happened?" The teenager asked. "It's something you wouldn't understand." He muttered.

"Why?" Frankie and Raya asked at the same time.

"Frankie, did you get-." Rebel froze. "What are you doing here?" Rebel asked. "It is my house." Mick answered. "Yea. I know-Girls come on." Frankie walked out of the room. "But-But why are we leaving Dad?" Raya asked following her sister. "Your mother needs a break." Mick answered. Rebel frowned looking him over. "If we could just talk and if you'd just-." She started.

"No. I told you. I talked to you." She shook her head. "No Mick, you talked at me. You yelled so I started yelling!" She snapped. "Nothing ever works. Nothing ever lasts and Nothing I do will help. We got that all covered?" Mick asked with no emotion in his eyes. Rebel gulped looking him over. "Yea-I think we do." She muttered. "Good then I'm going to bed." He muttered walking down the hall to the master bedroom. Rebel watched as Mick slammed the door. Tears stared to fall as she left the house and got in the car. "Are you okay?" Frankie asked aitting in the front. Erik sighed when he noticed Raya was frowning. "Why's Mommy crying?" She whispered.

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