"No you go with Quinn and I take mines by myself" Bey said trying to hand Quinn to Nic but Quinn was not having it she wanted to be with her daddy 25/8

"Quinn tell daddy to come with us" Nic said already knowing B couldn't resist Quinn face and just couldn't say no to her.

"Daddy come with me and Mommy please" When Quinn said that nic was walking to the shower starting it.


"Daddy please" she was now pouting about to have a fit she didn't want no Ifs or buts about it

"Okay, fine okay let's go" B said she walked in and took Quinn panties off and handed her to nic who was in the shower.

"Come on daddy" Quinn said putting her head under the running water making nic laugh.

Bey took a deep breath  took off her clothes and walked behind Nicki.

Quinn took her head out the water and look at her daddy.

"Hi daddy" Quinn said reaching her her bey grab her and put her in front of her and nic turned around. They talk about anything Quinn wanted to then started to wash up.

"Daddy boobies are big like Mommy but Mommy's bigger" Quinn said touching Bey breast.

They both laughed and got the shower and put towels on. They all lotion up and but on underclothes.

Nic did Quinn hair with a lil bang and a puff ball and the rest out.

She put Beyoncè hair in a high ponytail. Once she had they hair done she let them get dress and do her hair in two braids.

They was all dress Quinn in some jeans and white shirt and white socks, Bey in some black jeans with a white shirt and white socks, nic had on some black leggings and purple shirt with purple socks.

They all walked Downstairs laughing because Quinn was amazed by B breast. It was so quiet they thought everyone left but they all was just sitting on the couch waiting.

"Oh dear Nana is here" Quinn said in a thick British accent jumping in Bey arms they all laughed and Quinn got down to hug her Nana.

"Hi my british baby" Mama T said

"Hi my Nana" Quinn said more of a classic british.

"Hi godmother" Quinn said to Kelly and hugged her.

Hailey walked up to beyoncè and Nic and Nicki eyes went wide.

"Is that your daughter?" Nic asked

"No my mother child, everyone always asked me that" Beyoncè said

"Sister who this she pretty" Hailey said she been a flirt since bey can remember, she also has a penis and Royalty.

"This is Quinn mom" Bey said

"So she free?" Hailey asked Nic mouth went drop and Bey rolled her eyes and laughed.

"No she not I'm making this all mines" Bey said pulling nic into her.

"Okay, okay let me go say hi to my niece, and you if Bey can't get you I'm always here" Hailey said smirking and going over to her tete kelly where Quinn was at.

Onika and beyoncè looked at each other and laughed u til years was running down they face.

"Omg she going break hearts" Nic said

Bey pulled nic into her so they was face to face.

"That laugh I can get used to" Bey said licking her lips making nic look down and blush. "And them dimples you and my babygirl have my heart" Bey added kissing nic forehead.

Nic held Beyoncè tighter letting her tears fun freely. "You promise" Nic asked juts above an whisper but B heard her.

She pulled Nic face up "I promise with my life" B said looking into Nic glossy eyes.

"You and babygirl is mines forever so I'm do everything for you to fall in love with me" B said kissing nic lips. Nicki kissed back. But it ended faster then they expected.

"Hey no my Daddy"Quinn yelled getting out of kelly hold and running to her Daddy so she can pick her up and kiss her.

Of course Bey picked her up and peck her lips a couple of times and nic smacked her teeth.

"She most definitely not going to let me touch you" Nic said going to seat and talk to Solange.

Everyone talked and introduce each other they self. Everyone was having a good time till the door bell rang.

"I got it" Bey said getting up with Quinn in her hands of course.

She walked to the door and opened it see a woman who look just like Nic and a police officer and a lawyer.

"Yes my I help you?" beyoncè asked.

"I'm her to get my daughter and press charges on You beyoncé Knowles for rape and intoxicated a 17-year-old" the lady said.

Bey froze and Quinn notice and she didn't like it one bit.

"Daddy" Quinn called to her Daddy who was just staring at the lady. "DADDY" Quinn said aging about to cry her daddy held her tighter and that when she started to cry "DADDY" she started to scream she didn't want to leave her daddy never ever.


Sorry Ghostbuzterz  I know you mad.

But Chiya 😁

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