Survival 32 | Thrill

Start from the beginning

Everything will be safe. Those monsters wouldn't hurt me.

I was escorted using those armored trucks inside those huge tall walls that seemed gigantic in the eyes of a nine years old child, oblivious to her surroundings and would only think of escaping the madness that she even thought that her family created.

And that was when I joined their haven— the Military.

And it's funny how people have sympathized with me, yet deep inside them, they're blaming my family for what happened.

But it was fine for me. I don't feel scared of what will happen to me. I don't even feel terrified even if they will throw me away from their border and let those ugly flesh-eating stupid cringe monsters eat me. I don't care if I die. I don't even know my purpose for living here.

Until I met these people. . . and was assigned to become their leader. It happened a week full of heavy training and the captain found skills in my fragile body, as the woman who remained standing even though others have already given up. Thus, made me a leader of this group I'm handling today.

It was such bliss. I felt at home within their care. I felt the love that was missing, for they filled the huge goal that was on me before.

I thought I would never feel fear. . . every fucking emotion until I've met these people. And I could say that I am lucky to meet them because they're the ones who gave my life a purpose, and that is to continue to move forward.

I've never felt scared. . . than thinking that any days from now, everything might change.

Lives will be lost along the way, and this is something we can't just put aside. Because it's a sad truth, and no matter what we do, we can't avoid it.

Death is inevitable.

“Are you okay? Is there someone hurt?” I woke up from my thoughts when I heard a voice from a woman.

My thoughts were so deep that I lost touch with the surroundings around me that I turned my body, slowly looking at where the source of that voice is.

As my eyes stopped at the woman who's wearing a ponytail. She wears a black jacket and she's holding a big gun, on her back is a crossbow and from her back is a man as if tailing her as she ran towards our place.

I couldn't look at their faces properly because of how dark the surrounding is.

Yes, it's still the burning truck that's giving us some lights, however, they came from the forest itself and their place is still dark from the shadow of those dead pines that's why I couldn't see their features thoroughly.

Ang alam ko lamang ay isa itong babae at isang lalaki.

Sa aking gilid ay rinig ko ang pagkasa ng baril— ah, not all of us are wearing the upgraded guns that Klaus created for us.

And in just a blink of an eye, Zeon's now in front of me, in his protection stance, shielding me from those people as if they're such a threat to ourselves— maybe they do, they almost made us as a bait to lure that woman earlier.

If something happened to my group, I know I wouldn't forgive them.

Muling gumawi ang tingin ko sa dalawang tao na mabilis ang lakad-takbo ngayon. The woman is leading as if she's running towards our place.

“Thankfully, none of you move—!” She couldn't finish what she was saying when Phoenix moved ahead with his guns pointed at those two— and that's what made them halted, stopped, and became frozen on their spot.

“Do you know what will happen if it saw us? Maybe nothing will be left in our group because of your stupid actions!” His voice boomed in furiousness, and truth to be told, I've never seen Phoenix this angry.

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