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I am a Heroes of the Storm player. I have been concerned with the game for the two years of corporate hell it has experienced under Activision's management. I was really surprised that the development team still pressed on despite the many changes and events that have given their blows: Kevin "Cloaken" Johnson's departure, the HGC and the Heroes of the Dorm's Cancellation, and the huge reduction in the resource department.

With the resource department being cut, the in-game's lore has been put on ice. I am happy for the team in being dedicated and still passionate, keeping fans including me in still wanting to play it. In my eyes, the game is far from dead. With the release of Mei and Hogger, along with Craft Wars Event, this is proof alone that they are still driven and dedicated.

To honor it, I decided to release this story as in my opinion, the amount of stories for this game in Wattpad is extremely limited, and in, the numbers are quite low. I hope that my contribution will be welcome here. Thank you if you chose to read this story.

Sincerely Yours,



P.S.: You can give me suggestions down in the comments, and they will help me in preventing writer's block from happening too early. Don't be shy. I'm not the type of writer to shoot down feedbacks, I try to encourage and listen to them, in fact. Thank you.

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