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𝗮𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟴, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

alicia keys', if i ain't got you could be heard blaring in our penthouse as billie and i playfully ballroom danced in the middle of the living room.

as elegant as it may sound, we were both half naked in big t-shirts and panties.

the bright lights of portland illuminated the city, while cars quickly passed by on the street.

moments like this made me appreciative for the large glass windows our apartment had and the way it perfectly displayed our incredible view.

together, we waltz and foxtrotted to the music, with wide grins on our faces. in each of our hands, were wine glasses.

billie stopped drinking hard liquor and heavy alcoholic beverages a while back. her drink of choice was now, champagne or white wine.

now that i think about it, it's a little ironic she stopped drinking as much even though she's finally legal.

as alicia keys belted the chorus, billie held my hand and raised her arm up, allowing me to twirl.

completely setting her drink down, she unexpectedly dipped me, making me giggle.

when she pulled me up, the tips of our noses were touching and i couldn't help but blush.

i feel like i do that a lot nowadays.

for good reasons, of course.

"i love you," billie told me, smiling hard, before giving my lips a quick kiss.

"i love you more." i countered, already knowing she would try to deny it.

she chuckled, shaking her head. "impossible."

distant police sirens interrupted our heartfelt interaction.

we lived in a low crime area so i doubted they were after anyone here.

billie neared the window and saw two cars speed by, confirming my suspicion.

as they did so, she gave them the finger, mumbling "bastards."

it was safe to say billie was never fond of authority figures, especially the law.

i plopped down on the couch and patted the space next to me, inviting her to join.

"you remember that house arrest anklet you wore when i first met you?" i laughed softly at the memory.

"yes, unfortunately. that shit was a pain in my ass." she sighed, landing on the couch with a bounce.

her arm wrapped around my shoulder and she used the remote to turn on the tv.

"you never told me why you got in the the first place..."

billie scratched her head, trying to remember.

"lemme think-- minor DUI, aggravated battery, possession allegation, which was true by the way, and theft.

"damn. what did i see in you..?" i joked.

"i'm hot, duh."

i rolled my eyes sarcastically and shoved her lightly.

"explain more though, i'm curious now."

"okay so, i failed the breathalyzer test by like, a tenth, so i wasn't even that drunk. for the battery charge, all i can say is that i got irritated at many, incompetent people. somebody almost snitched on me back when i was selling and the theft conviction was just stupid of me. i didn't even want the thing i stole that much, i just wanted to see if i could get away with it."

"how the fuck are you not in prison?"

"i mean, i went to juvie for like half a second. but one of my probation officers was a G, and he convinced my judge to just put me on house arrest."

i leaned my head and her shoulder, wondering how the hell she changed so drastically.

deep down, i think she's always been a softie though.

i'm glad i was lucky enough to be the one to bring it out of her.

"it was you, you know that right?" she blurted.


"i'm the person i am today, because of you. if i had to go through life all over again, i would. only if i meant i get to be with you in the end."

"even the shooting?"

"baby, all of the above. the shooting, the break up-- shit i'd go through every depressive episode i've ever had." she said, without skipping a beat. "anything for my wife."

my neck heats up at the title. honestly, i don't think i'll ever get used to it and i'm okay with that.

i never want to get used to the way she makes me feel. why would anyone want to numb down their emotions in a relationship?

i think back to our wedding night and her vows.

"if you'll let me, i promise to make everyday feel like our first. i'll continue to make you blush, i'll keep you smiling just as wide and i can assure you, i'll keep you satisfied."

she winked after saying the last part.

on cue, billie asked, "do you remember the first day we met?"

i look at her like she's insane.

"how could i possibly forget the first day we met-- god, how could i forget the first month?"

to this day, i have no idea how i was able to walk to class every morning like i didn't just get railed the afternoon before.

i have no idea how i was able to walk, period.

"did you ever come up with a story to tell our kids?"

i laugh at her reference, shaking my head no.

"we gotta think of a lie soon. i seriously can't tell them what happened in the back seat of dragon. i'll spoil their innocence before the internet gets a chance to."

abruptly, a small bark makes us turn our heads.

shark stretched and yawned, beginning to wake up from his nap.

coincidentally, he looked a lot like taco from the animal shelter back in LA.

he gets off of his bed, trotting over to the couch, accidentally tripping over his own feet because his legs were so short.

billie pouted and scooped him up, placing him on her lap. she scratched behind his ear as she snuggled closer to him.

"i don't know how much longer i can wait to have kids with you," she chuckled, still looking down at the adorable puppy trying to gnaw on her fingers.

"not too long. don't worry."

Satisfaction // Billie Eilish Imagines Where stories live. Discover now