"Please, call me Jon,"

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  • Dedikert til Allan Johnstone

Third Person P.O.V

Evalyn Gordon sat in the psychiatrists office. Her father was completely ashamed as he stood with her little sister, Barbara. She saw them through the window and her father's eyes filled with tears. Evalyn felt no emotion towards her father. But, then Barbara started to cry. She loved Barbara. Her father led Barbara out of the asylum and into the cold, dark night. She looked out of the window and saw a man with black hair and glasses talking to a woman with blonde hair and glasses. The man with black hair looked over at Evalyn. He immediately thought that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. The way her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders, her shimmering green eyes, her blood red lips and other things. He stared for a moment while Evalyn looked over at the corner of the room. He saw her blink and her eyes move to the window. He turned back to the blonde woman.

"Dr Crane, this is your patient. Her name is Evalyn Keeley Gordon. State of action is a tendency to drive people to the point of fear and then lock them in her lab. She worked as a forensic scientist for two years and she currently works as a psychiatrist at Gotham Central Hospital on floor 9 in section 16," said the woman with blonde hair.

"Thank you, Dr Quinzel," he replied. He whispered something in her ear that Evalyn couldn't make out. Dr Quinzel smiled an evil smile. She walked off down the catwalk of the cells.

"Hello, Miss Gordon. My name is Dr Jonathan Crane and I'll be your psychiatrist," he announced. Evalyn sighed.

"Come to examine me, Dr Crane?" she asked, carelessly. Dr Crane closed the door behind him.

"That, as it may come about as odd, is a no," he answered. Evalyn furrowed her eyebrows.

"You see, Evalyn, you don't mind if I call you, Evalyn, do you?" he asked. Evalyn shook her head.

"You can call me Eva, if you like," she replied. Dr Crane smiled.

"Well, Eva, you see, you and I are the same. This is my day job, but I'm going to impart some information to you that only Dr Quinzel knows," he said. He went into a control room and shut down the cameras. Through his radio, Evalyn heard a man speaking.

"Cameras are down in Dr Crane's office. I repeat, cameras are down! Dr Crane, are you okay?" asked the man.

"I'm just fine, Harry. No need to worry. I'll be shutting this off now," he replied darkly in to the radio.

"But, Jonathan. Evalyn Gordon's a maniac. I don't care if she's the daughter of the Police Commisoner. Barbara has a better chance than that psy-" Harry stopped at psy, because by that time, Dr Crane had launched his radio halfway across the room. He was scaring Evalyn. Evalyn tried to break free but she was held down by her cuffs.

"Don't be afraid, Eva. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. You and I are the same. You see, Eva, I make fear toxin. You may have heard of me, I masquerade as the Scarecrow," he confided. Evalyn's eyes widened.

"You're the Scarecrow?" she asked.

"Yes. Why?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Well, I've always wanted to meet you, see how you do it!" she nearly yelled.

"Keep your voice down," he growled. "They think I'm back to being the normal psychiatrist. Well, I'm not,"  

"Well, Dr Crane...um, Jonathan, if you don't mind...," she stammered.

"No, not at all. Please, call me Jon," he answered with a smile. Evalyn looked at him for a moment. He raised his eyebrows, still smiling.

"Well, okay, Jon. I have a question,"

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