Caralyn's Nightmare

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*Harley's P.O.V*

It was the funeral of my best friend, Eva. I cried. I cried silently because of Mister J. It was good that it was raining, too. I stood in between Eward Nygma and his kid, Ethan with Mister J. Ivy stood at the end with her kids, Poppy and Rose. My daughter, Alexandria, stood at my side. I looked over at Jon. He was standing with his two kids, Caralyn and Daniel Crane. Allysen Crane was a little down from Jon. Jon was crying in anguish. I couldn't help but feel obliged to go over there and hug him. I walked over and that's exactly what I did.

"You're going to be okay, Jon," I whispered. Allysen scoffed. I had never felt so angry in my life. I wondered why she was even here.

"Allysen, why are you even here?" I asked, expressing my wonder in the state of anger. She walked over to us, clicking her heels.

"I just wanted to bask in the glory of her death," she grinned. I had always known that Allysen hated Eva for whatever reason, I didn't know. But punching her was going to a lower level than her. That's saying a lot for a criminal who works alongside one of the most notorious criminals of Gotham City. Well. Jon gave in to his anger. Only because of how much he loved Eva. He wouldn't let anyone say anything about her death that was negative.

"Are you happy?" he asked her, growling. I backed away a bit, taking his kids with me. "Are you happy she's dead?! You got her wishes and hopes, Allysen!"

Jon was shouting now. I was too busy trying to keep his kids away from him, he was scaring them aswell as Alexandria and Ethan. Poppy and Rose were watching from afar. Eddie walked up to be a little behind him.

"Jon!" he yelled. Jon was puffing, he was so angry he almost launched himself on to Allysen. Allysen fell over but Eddie grabbed Jon before he could do anything. Jon struggled against Eddie's grasp, but Eddie's grasp was too tight.

"Jon, calm down! You're scaring the kids!" yelled Eddie. Jon stopped squirming and Eddie let go of him. He turned around slowly to see his kids hiding behind me.

"Caralyn, Daniel," he whispered. He walked over to them. They didn't move an inch. He knelt down infront of them. "I'm sorry you had to see that,"

Third Person P.O.V

It's been six years since the death of Dr Evalyn Gordon-Crane. It was the anniversary of her death. The sixteenth of October. A year after her death, Dr Kelly Tristan was stripped of her status as a doctor and thrown in jail along with her thugs. Jonathan, Caralyn and Daniel Crane stood at her grave that morning. It was frosty, and raining. The first time it had rained since Evalyn's funeral. Caralyn was now fourteen and Daniel was now fifteen. They walked away from Evalyn's grave and back to their house. Caralyn walked in the house first and ran upstairs. Daniel walked in and went to the living room to sit on the couch and watch the the television. Jonathan sighed and locked the door. He went downstairs into the basement and in to his lab. He stood over the desk with all his chemicals to make more fear toxin. Caralyn and Daniel needed more for school, just incase.

"Dad!" yelled Caralyn "Daniel!"

Jonathan rushed out of his lab and locked the door behind him. He rushed upstairs along with Daniel.

"Caralyn, are you okay?" asked Jonathan, yelling.

"No!" she yelled back, whimpering.

*Caralyn's P.O.V*

As soon as we got in, I ran upstairs to test out something. I had grabbed it from my dad's pockets. Something labelled pepper spray. I was doing an experiment, making some lazy chemical with my science kit in my room. Hoping that maybe, it would turn into a treatment or something. I sprayed the pepper spray into the test tube. Fumes filled the air and I started coughing. My room dissolved around me.

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