Familiar Faces, Unbeknown Names

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*Caralyn's P.O.V*

I don't know how long I had been lying on that hard ground floor. I awoke and found myself in some small living room instead.

"Is she awake yet?" asked a voice. A familiar voice but I couldn't make out who it was. Ivy? Catwoman? Of course it wasn't Catwoman. Harley Quinn?

"Harley, why is there a teenage girl who looks like a hobo sitting on our couch?" asked a mans voice. Welll, confirmation of Harley Quinn, so the man must be the Joker. But who were the two people standing above me. My eyes flicked open and closed.

"Dad, where are you?" I asked myself, mumbling. A girl with long green hair kneeled next to me and a boy with a cane that had a question mark on top of it.

"Who is this chick?" he asked. I kept rolling my head and my eyes whipped open. I could visibly see them now. It was morning outside.

"Mom, she's awake!" called the green haired girl. I looked over at them. They looked a little familiar. They were staring at me. I sat up and they kneeled down at the couch to stare at me.

"Uh, why are you staring?" I asked, a little creeped out. The green haired girl went to touch my face but I whacked her away.

"Alex, don't touch her you creep," said the boy. Well, I had been given a name for the green haired gir. Alex. She looked familiar and so did the name, well, a bit of it.

"Shut up, Ethan. I'm just curious," she whined. The boy named Ethan rolled his eyes. I just stood up, and walked past both of them. I stood at their stairs, examining them as they both stood up and turned around. I felt the spray-thankfully-still in my jacket pocket.

"Who are you?" I asked. I was fumbling with the spray.

"No, the question is, who are you? You were the one lying on steps and we found you," said Alex.

"That may be. But you were the ones who found me lying on steps after my fall. I have a right to know who my rescuers are, or captors. You choose," I countered. Ethan let out a small giggle.

"We're not you're capturers. We just wonder who you are. Do you have somewhere to live? Are you homeless. Plus, you look quite familiar," he reassured. I was still a little frightened. That's saying something for being the daughter of Scarecrow. Alex took a step closer and I pulled out the little bottle of spray and pointed it at her, shaking a bit. I put my hand to the staircase to support myself.

"Stay back, or they all come to life," I said, my voice shaking. She threw her hands up but then looked completely confused, as did the Ethan boy. I rolled my eyes.

"I mean your fears," I snapped. They both looked at each other and their eyes lightened up and they looked at each other. I looked from them both.

"Caralyn Crane?" asked Ethan. I'll admit, I got quite scared. How the hell could he possibly know my name?

"How did you-" I started but Alex cut me off, by knocking the toxin out of my hand and pushing me up against the staircase.

"What the hell has your dad done to you, Caralyn?!" she yelled at me. It was my turn to be confused. I looked at them both. Alex looked at a loss as did Ethan. I just gave them a confused stare. Their faces did look quite familiar but I couldn't figure out who the hell they were. I thought, loads. I couldn't remember anyone from my childhood. I could remember a little girl with blonde hair who was named Alexandria, but this girl looked like her hair was naturally brown. This couldn't be the same Alex. Could it? I could also remember a small boy who was named Eith, I think. Well, that's what everyone called him. Eith lead me to Ethan. These people couldn't be the same people! Gosh, why couldn't I remember them? I remembered Alex's last name. Harley Quinn and Joker in the next room. It all made sense.

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