Want A Taste Of My Medicne?

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--Jonathan's P.O.V--

Allysen was standing in our living room, with a big, stupid grin on her face. I rolled my eyes and made a 'tut' noise. Caralyn stood there, dumbstruck and curious. Her eyes darting back and forth to me and then to Allysen. There were a few moments of silence with the echoing sound of pure hatred. We didn't need to say anything - Allysen and I - and everyone could tell we hated each other. I opened my mouth, taking a breath before turning to Caralyn.

"Caralyn, do you mind going upstairs?" I asked, facing her. I turned back to Allysen but I was still adressing Caralyn. "This is private," I snarled. From my peripheral vision, she nodded lightly and ran upstairs. I motioned for Allysen to sit on the couch. She took the offer with a smile.

"You never stop, do you?" I asked. She let her smile go and furrowed her eyebrows. I wasn't in the mood to play games with her.

"What do you mean?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and lept forward. She went back and looked afraid, much to my glee. I mentally smirked, keeping my "scary" face. I wished I could be wearing my Scarecrow mask but that would be giving myself away. So, I had a plan, I sighed and peeled myself away from Allysen who looked startled. I stifled a laugh. I pretended to be defeated and took my glasses off, stuffing them in my jacket pocket.

"Would you like to see my lab? Obviously, you'll stop at nothing to see it," I said, in fake defeat. She grinned at me and I grinned when I was turned away from her.

--Caralyn's P.O.V--

Despite my fear of heights, I leaned over the balcony, holding the railing. Dad and Allysen's conversation was over and I thought he was leading her out. But, they turned towards the secret room and not even Daniel nor I even know about. We don't know what's in there. Speaking of Daniel, speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Caralyn, what are you-" he was about to ask, I cut him off by shushing him. I stealthily walked down the stairs, Daniel, confused, following me. Dad opened the room, without turning to lock it. Now, was my chance to see what the hell he did in there. Daniel, still following curiously behind. Lucky for him, he had no shoes on so he had quiet footsteps. I motioned him forward and he came.

"We have to be extra quiet when we go in here, okay?" I asked him, whispering. He nodded and we snuck in to the room. Thankfully, we hid at the staircase railing. Unfortunately, it was way too high so I grabbed on to the bars. I gasped as I saw things. Test tubes, bubbling chemicals, and canisters labelled Fear-Toxin and those small little bottles used for emergencies. I looked over at Daniel who dropped the apple he was eating. Idiot. I dived out of the room before dad could look up, taking Daniel with me.

--Jonathan's P.O.V--

I found a half-eaten apple on the floor. Disgusting. I decide to take crocodile clippers and bin it, leaving Allysen in awe at what she saw. She looked around at every chemical, the canisters. She wouldn't remember this when I was done. I looked up to see where the apple had come from, nothing. I decided to shake it off. I had more important things to do. I walked over to Allysen's side, putting my glasses back on.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded. I smirked and picked up a canister and a needle, two, even. One was the antidote, another was the forgetting chemical. I went up to Allysen and she turned around to face me.

"Want a taste of my medicne?" I questioned. I sprayed the toxin in her face, she screamed in, well, fear.

--Caralyn's P.O.V--

We snuck back in just in time to see dad gas Allysen. I let my mouth fall a little open before it turned into a little smirk and I had to stifle a laugh. I looked over at Daniel who looked more than shocked. Now, I really had to stifle in laugh. She was screaming and crying while dad tied her to a chair. She was screaming about bats and snakes and birds and the number thirteen. So many fears. Geez, what a wimp. He strapped her to the board and then injected her with a needle. She calmed down, so I assumed that was the antidote. She was screaming at dad who seemed more than calm. He hit her over the head, hard, with a canister which knocked her out. That made me gasp. I never thought my dad would be the violent type. He then injected her with another needle, I had no idea the effect that made. My dad switched the lights off which interjected he was coming out of his lab. I ran out of the lab, dragging Daniel with me and darted upstairs, hiding at the balcony bars.

--Jonathan's P.O.V--

"Interesting," I murmured to myself. I wrote down her fears. Ophidiophobia, Chiroptophobia, Ornithophobia and Triskaidekaphobia. For someone who acted so tough, she sure had a lot of fears, I lay her down on the couch, waiting for her to wake up. She wouldn't remember this, she wouldn't know I knew her fears. I used this for later blackmail and because it gave me joy. Plus, it was funny to see Allysen squirm. Cue the evil laugh. It was until a while later, that Jessica was making dinner that Allysen started to wake up.

"Jonathan?" she asked me, I nodded. She put a hand to her head, there was a bruise where I hit her with the canister. I helped her up and led her upstairs, faking sympathy.

"Okay, you need rest, okay?" I asked, she just nodded, too fazed to even care about it. I smirked, looking down. I led her into a guest bedroom and lay her down on the bed. I left the room and shut the door behind me.

"God, that was exhausting," I whispered to myself. I straightened myself out and walked in to Caralyn's room and told her to go downstairs, the same with Daniel. We sat at our usual places at the table and Caralyn actually ate. This dining room was always too quiet. I liked quiet, just not a lot of it.

"Caralyn and I got a bullet through our windshield today," I piped up. Caralyn looked away and Daniel dropped his fork to stare at me and Jessica just stood there like I was crazy. Well, she's right.

"Off who?" asked Daniel. I shrugged and Caralyn made a I-don't-know gesture by pushing up her shoulders and making her hands at her torso. I pursed my lips by pushing them against my teeth, making a thin smile.

"Then dad went crazy and drove the car through a pile of bins in the alley and I was scared to death," said Caralyn. It was so random you had to laugh. I felt myself try and stifle laughter. Daniel was not having a good time as he let out small giggles now and again. Caralyn sat back in her chair.

"Go ahead, laugh," she said. So we did. But, well, she said we could. Then I heard a loud bang come from upstairs.

--Caralyn's P.O.V--

Everyone laughed at my anguish for three minutes, then a loud bang came from upstairs and the laughing stopped. Jessica went to go and check what it was but dad ran past her and darted out of the room. Daniel and I exchanged glances. Jessica went back to washing the dishes. I motioned to Daniel to sneak out with my head. He nodded and we slid out of the dining room without Jessica noticing. We quietly crept up the stairs, almost silently running. We both sat a corner of the door to the room and listened in.

"Allysen, I don't know. You were feeling quite faint when you got here, then you fell and collapsed and my couch, remember?" asked dad. I heard a mumbled 'no' come from Allysen. Then, I heard gulping, he must have brought her water from the tap somewhere.

"Well, I'll just go home," I heard her say. Dad didn't say anything and I heard the door open. I did a forward roll and rolled into the shadows. Luckily, I wear all black. Daniel hid in the bathroom and we saw Allysen and dad walk out. We stood up and walked in our rooms. I looked out the window and thought about the previous events of the day. I had a plan to see Alex and Ethan. I listened to music to pass the time before it was nine o'clock at night. Dad would possibly be in his lab, Daniel in his room and Jessica in hers. I sliped some boots on and my jacket with the toxin in it. I couldn't leave without that. Luckily the soles on my boots were flat. I snuck downstairs. I opened the door and ran out. I decided to just walk along to the city limits and take a long way around to Alex's. I ran into someone round another alleyway and brought out the fear toxin.

"Get away!" I yelled, holding the fear toxin at arms length to their face.

"Is this any way to greet a friend, Caralyn?" asked a deep, familiar voice. They had their hands thrown up in defeat. I dragged them in to the light with me.

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