Part one

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Standing in the mirror you take a deep breath.

'Today is a new day' you thought, tucking your hair behind your ear.

Today is the day you start Anew, a new chapter of your book is starting to be written. You sling your backpack over your shoulder. You look at yourself once more in the mirror before flattening your skirt nervously.

"Nekoma high." You mutter under your breath.

Walking over to your window you shut your curtains. Making your way down the stairs you smell burnt toast, causing your face to contort in disgust.

"Hello?" you say in a questioning voice.

"Oh hey y/n I made you breakfast." your mom sighs out.

Walking over to the kitchen, you pick up the burnt toast sticking out of the toaster. Trying to hold back a laugh you look at your mom.

"What is this." You stifle out.

"Breakfast?" She continues acting as if it's not burnt to a crisp.

"Mom, this is charcoal black. I can't eat this." You laugh out.

"Oh sure you can just scrape it off. It's still food." She walks towards you.

"It's definitely something" You pass the burnt toast to her.

"Oh hush, I am sorry I got distracted with a phone call. There are breakfast bars in the pantry." She rolls her eyes, and starts wiping down the counter.

"Alright thank you."

"You might want to make it snappy because you are gonna be late." she says, tossing you a bar.

"Yea yea." You say walking towards the door. 

As you open the door a wave of nerves hits you like a truck.

'What if they all hate me? I can't make friends, all i do is stay in my room.' You worry.

"You know mom I have, I ever told you how beautiful you are." You try, leaning on the door frame. You muster up the best fake smile you can manage

"Don't even try Y/n. Brown nosing won't get you anywhere" She replies not looking up for a second. Your smile falls immediately.

"You know mom what if i get hit by a truck on the way to school. Have you ever thought about that? You will be sitting at your desk at work after you get the news. Crying you will think ' I should have let my beautiful amazing daughter stay home'. Or i could get kid-"

"Oh my god you are dramatic. Go!"  She rolls her eyes pushing you out the door.

"But mom think about it." The door slams in your face.

"I guess she didn't want to think about it." You groan out, turning on the ball of your heel.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

The Unfamiliar school finally came into your line of vision. It wasn't too far from where you lived. You recently moved to this area of tokyo because your mother had just gotten a new job offer. Making friends wasn't something that came easily to you.Somehow you always managed, you relied on other people to help you make friends. More like a specific person... But they weren't here anymore, you were on your own.

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