My Godmother is the BOMB

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"YOU WERE FUCKING PREGNANT AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME?!!" Cherri Bomb shouted at her friend.

"Pregnant? What the fuck?" Angel glared at her. "Just because I dress in girl clothes doesn't make me a real girl, I mean come on I'm famous for my dick. Al and I adopted her after he found her."

"You just said you were a mommy ding dong."

"Mommy, daddy, whatever, point is I came here to ask if you wanna be my new child's godmother."

"Hell yeah I do! I would have fucken kicked your ass if you didn't." Cherri smiled wide. "When do I get to see her? Why didn't you bring her with you?"

"Because she's some kind of fire thing, when she's mad or fussy she bursts into flames."

"So?" Cherri asked.

Angel gave her a 'bitch really?' face and pointed to the thousands of bombs laying around in Cherri's place.

"Oh." Cherri nodded understanding. "Well, let's go see my goddaughter and your daughter."

Angel took Cherri to the hotel to see Niffy was holding Belladonna.

"Hey Nif, where's Alastor?" Angel asked.

"Getting your new room ready." Niffty answered.

"That's my new goddaughter!" Cherri ran over excited and scooped Belladonna into her arms. "Holy fucking bullshit, her head really is on fire."

"Why would I make that up?" Angel raised his brow. "Just be careful, she could flame up any moment."

Cherri just shrugged and smiled big at the baby. "I'm gonna be the most awesome godmother in all the worlds. We're gonna have so much fun, I'm gonna show you how to kick ass, make bombs, shoot bastards in the dick!"

"Cherri." Angel stopped her. "Calm down, she's too new, there's plenty of time to worry about the future, we'll discuss all that when she's much much older."

"Sorry bud, I just never held a baby before and she's so cool or should I say hot? You're gonna have every demon in hell want to get into her pants when she's older."

Angel twitched at that really not wanting his Belladonna to be like him when she grows up. "Nope, not happening, that's when we blow everyone up."

"Hell yeah, what do you say little killer?"

"Oh huh, Cherri, there's something else I need to tell you."

"What's that fuzzy tits?" Cherri asked.

"She's mute."


"Yeah, mute, she's never gonna talk or make a sound. Ever."

"Oh." Cherri's smile fell a little, she pictured her and this kid battle crying and throwing insults at anyone who challenges them but that won't happen. "Well... Shit, I'm sorry buddy but you know what? It doesn't even matter, I'll protect this kid and risk my ass for her any day."

"I know." Angel nodded. "That's why I picked you."

"So you and the fucking Radio Demon raising a baby together huh? Next step is putting a ring on it." Cherri quicking changed the subject.

"We're probably gonna wait till Belladonna is just a little bit older." Angel told her. "All our attention has got to be on her now, with her not being able to cry we can't keep our eyes off her." Angel bent down and nuzzled his nose against Belladonna's tiny one. "This girl is my whole world now Cherri, if something happens to her I'd rather be dead permanently and never come back."

"I know, you always were that kind of guy and I knew you always wanted a baby girl. Hey, what did your bro and sis say?"

"I haven't told them yet." Angel said. "Last thing I need is my dad finding out about her."

Cherri nodded understanding. "Yeah, your dad's a real piece of shit."

"You ain't kidding." Angel agreed. "I'll call Molly later and she can tell Ness or some shit like that and then they can meet their niece. Hey, I'm the first in the family to have a kid."

Cherri chuckled and noticed Belladonna was squirming in her arms. "I think she wants her mommy."

Angel smiled and happily took her in his arms. "I love you so much Belladonna Dust."

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