Radio Demon in Auradon

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Carlos ran into the room almost out of breath. "Theres a... it's a... what the?"

"Carlos, what's wrong?" Ben asked concerned.

"There's another demon and he's... holy heck, he's terrifying." Carlos panted.

Angel gasped and grabbed Carlos by the shoulders. "Is he red, looks like a deer, huge smile and talks like he shallowed a very old radio?"


"ALASTOR!" Angel cheered and was about to run out of the room but a shadow appeared in front of him and revealed another demon. "Smiles! I knew you'd find us!" Angel cried before he grabbed Alastor and slammed his lips right on to his.

Alastor knew there were others in the room and is not a fan at all about PDA but he hasn't seen his mate in days so he let it go this one time as he also pulled Angel close to him.

The others stared at the new demon in the room who actually looked like a devil.

When Angel finally let go of his husbands lips his tears started to spill out of his eyes. "Oh Al, you won't believe what they did to her, our poor baby."

"Where is she?" Alastor asked. When he spoke everyone in the room felt more tense, everything about this new demon was just terrifying. His eyes looked worried but his smile was so wide you could probably count all those yellow fangs in his mouth.

"Who are they?" Alastor asked.

"No one important." Angel waved them off before taking Alastor's hand and runs out of the room. "Come on, Belladonna has been missing you so much."

Hades was the first to snap out of it and quickly follows them with everyone else not to far behind.

Angel stopped outside Belladonna's door and knocked before opening it just a little bit to see her. "I got a surprise for you my little spiderling."

Belladonna looked over before Angel opened the door all the way to reveal her other dad making her flame up happily.

"Whoa." Uma said as she and Evie stared at him wide eyed.

"Belladonna my little darling." Alastor said loudly as he appeared next to her. "You have no idea how worried I've been."

Belladonna wrapped her arms around Alastor's waist in a huge hug while he wrapped his arms around her as well.

"Now lets take a look here, shall we?" Alastor said as he looked at the damage his daughter had to take. As he looks at the knife wound and the broken legs his eyes became static as well as the space around him making Carlos scream. Alastor chuckled as everything went back to normal. "Sorry for the fright young man but seeing my daughter with such injuries made me lose my control for a little bit."

"So you're her other dad?" Hades asked walking over.

"Indeed I am." Alastor nodded proudly.

"The one that found her when she was sacrificed?"

"That'd be me."

"Did you see who it was?"

"Why no I didn't, ran away before I appeared it seemed." Alastor then turned. "Well thank you for giving my family such generous hospitality but it is time we went back home."

"Wait." Hades quickly said making the two demons look at him. "She's still badly hurt and is healing nicely here."

"We have doctors in Hell that can help her." Alastor assured giving Hades a suspicious look.

"There is something that can heal her right away and I mean completely, we just need to find it." Hades said.

"We've been here for days and you're just telling us this now?" Angel asked.

"If someone will cooperate." Hades gave a quick glare at Mal. "We can look for it and when we have it, it won't only heal her injuries but there's a very high chance it will help her talk."

Angel slid up right to Hades and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You're not shitting us? You mean it?"

"Yes." Hades promised.

"Oh Al." Angel said once again with tears in his eyes. "Just think, we can finally hear our daughter talk."

Alastor hummed at the thought before turning back to Hades. "Very well, we will give you three days to find this whatever it is."

Belladonna Dust Daughter of Hades AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat