Why Am I Out Of Hell?

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The first thing Belladonna saw when she woke up was a boy, not a demon boy, a human boy. This made her sit up shocked and ready to fight only to see her hands are all bandaged up.

"Hey it's ok." A guy just a few years older than her said softly like she was an injured animal. "It's alright, we didn't do this to you. You were found badly injured, we brought you here to get better."

Belladonna looked around the room at all the people and things surrounding her. She just needed one sign, one sign to show she was still in Hell but she didn't see any which caused her breathing to pick up. Her parents must be worried sick, she had to get out of here but she looked down at her body to see a huge stitch on her stomach and both her legs broken. The creep that did this to her clearly knows she's a dancer so they broke her legs, and snapped her wrists so she can't do sign language.

"Miss." The guy said getting her attention. "I'm Ben, you're safe here in my castle in Auradon. Can you tell us your name?"

Belladonna shook her head no and looked down at her wrists as if studying them.

"No?" The girl behind Ben asked. "Why not?"

Belladonna looked up at her and gave her a bit of a cold look before looking back down at her wrists again. Slowly she laid back and braced herself before she slammed both of her wrists into the wall as hard as she could and everyone could hear two sicking CRACKS.

"HEY!" Two older men ran over to her and grabbed her arms while the younger boys rushed over and held her down. Times like this Belladonna was so happy she's mute cause doing that hurts like a bitch. She waited until everyone let go of her when they saw she wasn't fighting them before she ripped off the bandages.

"Stop that!" One of the older men demanded but Belladonna just moved her wrists around to show them that they're now fine. Everyone just stared at her like she was crazy which made her roll her eyes. She fights demons all the time, getting her wrists snapped out of place happens sometimes. Angel showed her how to get them back to normal quickly without seeing a doctor. She has to get back to her parents. She looked up at everyone in the room and started doing sign language.

"Sign language?" Ben said confused. "You can't talk?"

Belladonna shook her head no.

"Can you hear me?" Ben asked.

Belladonna nodded her head. Lots of times people think Belladonna is deaf, not just mute.

"Doug, go get Ariel, she knows sign language." Ben ordered.

Doug nodded and ran out of the room to go look for the former little mermaid.

"Have you been mute your whole life?" Ben asked her.

Belladonna nodded her head again.

Hades stood by the side in the corner. His daughter was mute? How could that have happened? Did Maleficent do that to her too? No, she couldn't have, there was no magic on the island.

"Ok, well then, while we wait for Ariel I'll introduce you to everyone." Ben told her. "I'm King Ben and this is my wife Mal." Ben introduced.

Belladonna raised her brow at the two, they look like they were 17 or 18. How can they be married so young? Why would they want to be married so soon?

"These are my parents, Adam and Belle." Ben introduced. Adam gave her a bit of a nod and Belle gave her a small wave. "Fairy Godmother."

"Hello dear." Fairy Godmother smiled at her.

'Who the hell would name their kid Fairy Godmother?' Belladonna wondered.

"And these are mine and Mal's friends. Jay, Carlos, Evie, Uma, Gil, and Harry. And last but not least Hades." Ben finished. Belladonna turned over to Hades and tilted her head a little bit to the side. Hades was interesting. A blue mohawk, sunglasses and dressed like a total rock star. Everyone here had an interesting style she had to admit. Three of them were dressed like pirates, she loved Evie's blue clothes and matching hair, Carlos had white hair for some reason but his red and black clothes reminded him of something her dad would wear, Jay looked pretty tough, and Mal...

Isn't Mal a boy's name? Belladonna signed to her.

"I'm sorry, I don't know sign language." Mal told her. "Wait." Mal left the room and quickly grabbed her sketch pad before coming back and handing it to her. "Here."

"Great idea Mal." Ben told her. "So can you write down your name?"

'Belladonna' She wrote down and showed it to everyone.

"Belladonna." Belle read. "Our names are almost similar."

'Belladonna.' Hades thought about the name. He and Agathe never really named their child the whole pregnancy, they were gonna wait til the birth but at least he has a name to call his missing daughter.

"Who did this to you?" Adam asked her.

Belladonna shrugged her shoulders and wrote down 'No clue, never saw them.' Belladonna then looked around before writing. 'Where's my phone?'

"You didn't have a phone on you when you were found." Ben told her.

Belladonna laid back fighting her tears, how is she gonna get back to Hell? Will she ever see her parents again? What are these people gonna do to her if they find out she's from hell and was raised by demons?

"Do you have someone we can call?" Belle asked her. "Do you have a family?"

Belladonna nodded her head.

Hades knows it's sick of him to wish this but he was hoping she would have said no. If this is his daughter he might have to fight for her if she was raised by someone else.

"Where do you live?" Ben asked her. "I can send some guards to your family and tell them you're here."

Belladonna looked worried which concerned everyone.

"Belladonna, what's wrong dear?" Belle asked.

Belladonna wrote down. 'You all might not like my answer, I'm scared of your reactions.'

"Oh child." Fairy Godmother chuckled. "We're not here to judge you, but to help you."

Belladonna just let the tears finally fall from her eyes and shook her head no.

"Oh come on, what could be so bad that you can't tell us?" Mal challenged.

"Mal." Ben scold. "She was just attacked, she has two broken legs, and a knife wound, lets not push her."

Belle tucked Belladonna in with some blankets. "Why don't you rest dear, you can tell us when you're ready."

Belladonna nodded a thank you to her laid back down. She wasn't going to sleep but she closed her eyes thinking about who she was gonna get out of here and back home. No doubt in her mind her parents are going insane.

Belladonna Dust Daughter of Hades AUWhere stories live. Discover now