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Angel and Alastor were both in a daze til Angel shook his head. "What the fuck?"

"So?" Mal asked.

Angel looked at her and raised his brow. "Who the fuck are you?"

Mal widened her eyes and felt a sharp tightness in her chest.

"I believe this is a human." Alastor said.

Angel looked next to him and raised his brow. "Am I drunk again?"

Mal ran out of the room and went to go find Ben only to see Hades was pushing Belladonna in her wheelchair. "You look like you've seen ghost." Hades told her then saw what she had in her hand. "What are you doing with that?"

"Dad, I need your help."

"Holy shit." Angel said as he spotted Belladonna. "Someone really fucked you up didn't they kid?"

Belladonna blinked at her parents confused before signing. 'Well yeah, you've known that for days now.'

Angel tilted his head to the side. "You showing me some kind of gang signs or something kid?"

"Hmm, what is it young one, demon cat got your tongue?" Alastor joked.

Harmony's eyes widened and Hades turned to Mal.

"What did you do?" Hades nearly growled.

"Hey, are you freaks gonna tell me where the fuck I am? Did someone drug my drink again or did I snort too much coke?" Angel asked.

Belladonna's eyes teared up.

Alastor's smiled wider in delight as he saw the girls misery at the sight of him and Angel was too busy looking around to notice.

"You got any booze in this fancy ass place?" Angel asked.

"You asked that already." Hades said.

"Hey I don't remember shit when I'm drunk or high." Angel snapped back.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was gonna get paid to suck off some rich prick." Angel turned to Alastor. "Is that you?"

Alastor twitched. "I assure you I would never waist money on some whore."

"Hey! I'm an expensive whore!" Angel yelled.

"Hey!" Hades shouted getting both of their attentions. "What year do you think it is?"

"Why 1950 of course." Alastor answered.

"Duh, ya high too rock star?" Angel sassed.

"MAL!" Hades screamed.

"I didn't know the spell went that far!" Mal explained.

Belladonna silently cried to herself. Her parents don't know her or even each other.

Angel saw Belladonna and frowned. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hang on." Hades rushed to Belladonna's room and got her pen and paper before giving it to her. "Ok." Hades stood in front of the demons. "First of all, it's not 1950, you two are in the 21st century and this isn't Hell, you two are in Auradon and was spelled making you two forget everything."

Alastor tilted his head. "I beg your pardon sir but I would remember that."

"Not if you were spelled." Hades said. "Look around, does this look like 1950 or Hell."

"You're bullshitting." Angel accused.

"Look." Hades nodded over to a window making Alastor and Angel look out.

"Holy shit!" Angel freaked out. "I don't remember anything!"

"Who would dare cast a spell on me?" Alastor demanded as the backround turned to static.

"What the hell?" Angel screamed.

"Worry about that later." Hades said. "Right now, you need to worry about her." He said as he pointed to Belladonna.

"What do I have to do with this weeping child or this pink abomination?" Alastor asked.

"Hey! Who you calling abomination ya stadicy fuck?!" Angel snapped.

'Take off your left gloves.' She then wrote.

"Take off my glove?" Angel asked confused.

"Just do as she says." Hades pushed.

Angel and Alastor did and saw that they were both wearing identical wedding rings with A&A carved in to it.

"What sick joke is this?!" Alastor demanded. "I'm asexual! I would never fall for this thing?!"

"And he's too fucking uptight and not in a good way." Angel glared at Alastor.

"Face it, you two are married." Hades rolled his eyes.

"Who the fuck are you anyway?!" Angel asked.

"Hades." Hades replied before looking down at what Belladonna wrote.

'I'm your daughter'  

Belladonna Dust Daughter of Hades AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat