Christmas Eve

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"Angel, that looks terrible." Alastor complained as he watches Angel try to wrap lights around the tree.

"Stop your bitching, you get to stare at my ass the whole time." Angel replied. "Besides it has to be me, I'm taller than you. You can do the outside if you want."

"I will not, it's freezing out there."

"Why the fuck does it snow in Hell anyway?"

Belladonna then runs in excited.

"Hey sugar lips." Angel greeted as he scooped her up. "Just in time, I want you to put the star on top of the tree." Angel gave her the star before lifting her up high so she can put it on top of the tree.

After Belladonna put it on she smiled bigger and clapped.

"Magnificent darling." Alastor praised. "Now what's got you so excited."

"That would be me." Cherri announced as she walked in. "I'm here to take my goddaughter sledding."

"Very well." Alastor shrugged before he snapped his fingers and tons of winterwear appeared on Belladonna. "Must keep my bundle of joy bundled."

Angel looked at her still a little worried. "Al, are you sure three layers is enough?"

"You two are such fucking smothers." Cherri glared. "The kid is made out of fire, she could go out in a bikini and still be warm."

"Hey, she can still get sick." Angel pointed out before he lifted up one of Belladonna's hats to kiss her forehead. "Keep an eye on her toots, she's at that stage where she runs after things that interest her."

"I did suggest the leash." Alastor said.

Cherri rolled her one big eye and took Belladonna from her best friend. "Seriously, you two need to calm the fuck down. Get your freak on while we're gone or something." She said before carrying her out.

Angel looked over at Alastor and a smirk appeared on his face. "Not a bad idea."

As soon as Cherri was out of the hotel she helped Belladonna out of the many layers. "There, ya just need one jacket."

"Thanks for helping me." Belladonna signed to her.

"No problem munchkin, I think it's great you wanna get everyone gifts for the big day. I know blondie is making everyone do that secret Santa shit."

Charlie announced a week before Christmas that only the grown ups are doing a secret Santa. Angel loudly complained that it's stupid and he doesn't want to do it, Husk agreed but Vaggie made them shut up by almost getting them with her spear.

"Hope you're not too disappointed we're not going sledding." Cherri said as she took Belladonna to Hell's most popular mall."Alright ya little monster, you have six people to shop for."

Belladonna shook her head.

"No? Oh right, your big brother to huh?"

Once again she shook her head and pulled Cherri to the first store.

"That princess should be easy, probably wants a hug or something." Cherri shrugged.

Belladonna grabbed six wristbands. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

"Oh yeah, blondie likes rainbows and girly shit. What are you gonna get for her bitch of a girlfriend? Bet she would love a playboy magazine."

Belladonna rolls her eyes and goes over to what she wants to get Vaggie not knowing that Cherri bomb was distracted by some ugly ties. "I should get sir Edgeload these what do you think kiddo?" She turned to see Belladonna wasn't by her or in her sight. "Oh shit."

When Belladonna grabbed what she wanted to give Vaggie she saw her godmother wasn't with her. She actually saw this as a good thing now she can get Cherri's present. Belladonna grabbed a small cart that was made for the tinier demons and started shopping solo.

Cherri was running all around the store. "Come on! How hard can it be to find a kid with her head on fire?!" She heard her ringtone for Angel on her phone. "Oh damn it!" Panicking Cherri smashed their phone. "Double Damn it!"

"She's not answering!" Angel panicked.

"Angel calm down." Charlie said softly. "They're probably having so much fun they can't hear the phone."

"You made Cherri the godmother for a reason Angel." Vaggie pointed out as she handed him a paper bag to breathe into.

Angel breathed into the bag for a while until he was able to talk again. "What if they were attacked?!"

"Angel, you're overthinking things." Charlie assured then pointed towards on of the windows. "Look at Al, he's calm."

Angel looked over at his husband to see he was staring out the window with a giant grin on his face. "That's not being calm, he's waiting for his shadow to find them. Alastor doesn't freak out, he's silent when he's worried."

Alastor's shadow looked at all the snow hills but didn't see Belladonna on any of them causing him to start looking all over the city.

Belladonna found the perfect gifts for everyone she considers family and saw her father's shadow glaring down at her.

'What?" Belladonna signed.

The shadow looked down at the gifts and gave her a look.

'Don't tell my daddies.' She told the shadow. 'I'm getting them presents.'

The shadow's glare softened just a little before he pointed at her to stay where she is while he goes to find Cherri.

Cherri was in a toy store strangling the owner. "I know you got her here you perverted son of a bitch!"

The shadow got Cherri's attention and pointed to the exit making Cherri drop the demon she was strangling. "Sorry perv, my mistake." Cherri ran out following the shadow until she saw Belladonna. "You little monster!" Cherri shouted as she tackled the girl in a big hug. "Ya scared scared me and I never get scared! What the hell made you think that was ok?!"

'I didn't want you to see what I got for you.' Belladonna signed.

"You got me something too?" Cherri asked her surprised. "Aw, I can't stay mad at you, but now we gotta get the fuck out of here and to the hotel."

They made a quick trip to her place to hide the gifts Cherri hurried her to the hotel.

"ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" Angel screamed as he ran over and hugged Belladonna. "Why the fuck didn't you answer your phone?!"

"I sat on it." Cherri lied casually. "What? You don't trust me? I would never let anything happen to this little devil, you don't need to be checking up on us."

"I was calling to tell you to send me pics of her sledding!" Angel snapped.


"My shadow said she was fine." Alastor assured Angel.

"You sent your creepy ass shadow to spy on us!" Cherri gasped.

"I will not apologize for being a concerned father."

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