Poker Night

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Belladonna came home with the IMP who was helping her dad get inside.

"Hey hon, what's with this text you sent me?" Angel asked walking over before looking up to see his husband in bad shape. "Oh my God! Al!" Angel ran over and looked at him. "What happened?"

"He went on a rollercoaster and got sick." Millie explained.

"Al! You can't even get on a boat without being seasick! What the fuck made you think you could handle a rollercoaster?!" Angel scolded.

Blitzo was just staring at the famous Angel Dust as if this was a dream and he never wanted to wake up from it.

"Niffty! Get a bucket!" Angel shouted.

Niffty did dash over with a bucket just as Alastor threw up into it.

"Why does it look like static?!" Angel asked.

"Shut up." Alastor moaned.

Angel sighed and used his six arms to drag his husband to the elevator. "Thanks for bringing them home." Angel thanked the IMP before the doors closed.

"Come on sir." Moxxie groaned as he and Millie pushed Blitzo out of the hotel.

Right when the door shut Belladonna heard him shout. "THAT WAS ANGEL DUST!!"

Rolling her eyes she went into the kitchen to see there were cards and a couple of snacks on the table. Her mom/dad must be having a poker night.

Angel walked in still rubbing his temples. "Ok baby, since your other daddy can't stop throwing up I guess you're joining me for poker night." Angel sat down on the chair next to her and turned her seat so she was facing him. "First thing is first kid. Show me that poker face."

Belladonna ended up silently laughing at the funny face her mom/dad was making.

"Oh come on, that sucks. You're giggling, no giggling." Angel teased.

'I'm mute, how can I giggle?" Belladonna signed.

"Well if you keep doing that, they're gonna eat you alive." Belladonna shrugged and was about to get up but Angel made her sit back down. "Sweetheart, ya don't tell with your face like that hon. I get it, ya think I'm funny which is very sweet of you." He then kissed her forehead. "Love you too, but seriously. Do you understand what you gotta do here? Mind games hon, mind games. The whole idea is ya don't wanna let those assholes know what ya got in your hand." Angel then pointed to the seat across from them. "So ya looking at this palooka, maybe he's got a good hand or maybe he's got jack shit. But the point is it doesn't matter. You wanna fool people."

Belladonna just kept on silently giggling. She always laughs at the way her mom/dad talks.

Soon Angel finally gave up and chuckled with her before getting up. "We got some work to do don't we?" Angel opened the fridge and frowned. "Oh fuck, did Husk drink all the beer again? Ah shit, Husk took the night off so the bar is closed. Maybe I can make a quick run but I still got the snacks to prepare for, plus what if those dumbasses show up early?"

Belladonna jumped off her chair and pulled on one of his arms to get his attention.

"Huh?" Angel looked down at her to see she's pointing to herself. "You? No no no sweetheart it's ok I can go get it, it's not like it's far or anything, it's just down the street."

'I can get it.'

"Baby, please it's fine, you know we don't like you going anywhere by yourself."

Belladonna then started signing so fast that Angel was having a hard time keeping up with what she was telling him making him sigh.

"Alright just this once." Angel finally gave in before bending down on one knee looking serious. "Remember what your other daddy and I said? About staying safe outside the hotel?"

Belladonna nodded.

Angel grabbed his purse. "You're lucky this is Hell and no one gives a shit about buying booze before 21." He then looked back at her and grabbed her shoulders once again looking completely serious. "Just down the street to that one fucking place. Don't do nothing else, don't talk to nobody, don't go anywhere else, just straight there and straight back. You got it sweetheart?"

Belladonna once again nodded and took the money.

"Hey seriously." Angel said tightening his grip on her before she could walk away. "Stay safe ok?"

Belladonna nodded again and kissed his cheek before walking out. She's killed plenty of demons so this wasn't too bad for her. However, what she didn't plan was for someone to grab her into an alleyway and push a needle full of drugs into her neck.

With her being mute, she couldn't scream for help.

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