1- Before it started

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Most of my life I've been used, abused, and raped. But life's not fair right. When I was a baby my parents never really took good care of me. They did a bunch of drugs and always drank. They got arrested when I was 1. I got taken away and sent to my aunt's house. She had gotten a new boyfriend when I moved in. She was nice till he moved in. He started to get into alcohol and he turned abusive when she wasn't around. He would hit me, rape me, scream at me, and cut me etc. At age 2 my aunt found our and didn't want him to leave so she joined him with torturing me. At age 4 they were also arrested and I was put into a orphanage. I got adopted by the best man ever. His name is Daryl Dixon. He was a drifter actually. Im surprised they let him adopt me. My first couple weeks with him were rocky. We always fought and argued. I didn't wanna keep moving around but he did. Finally I caved in and we just moved all around. I could tell Daryl had walls up. He was a mean man. Daryl had been my dad since I was 4. I'm now 13 years old. I have long dark black hair, blue eyes, and I have what dad calls it my cute button nose. His brother always told Daryl that I looked like him.
Daryl and I were heading out of Alanta for awhile.
D- Jennifer baby girl we are about to leave
I stretched and sat up.
D- go get ready we need to go soon okay
I shook my head yes and went into the bathroom.

I put my converse on and brushed my hair and teeth

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I put my converse on and brushed my hair and teeth. I put deodorant on. I walked out and started to pack my stuff. I heard people outside and I got nervous very fast. I walked outside with my bags and saw the lady who took me away from my first two homes. I got scared she was going to take me away from Daryl.
D- baby girl go back inside I'll be in there in a minute.
J- dad what's going on
He stared at the lady. I never learned her name but by the look on his face he didn't care what her name was.
?- jennifer needs to start taking these again or I will be taking her away from you!
I knew what she was talking about and rolled my eyes. She was trying to give me pills to "help" with my ptsd but Daryl taught me how to be better without them. I grabbed the bottle and took one pill and placed it in my mouth swallowing. I wanted to show her how bad shit got when I took these.
D- no Jen. You are going to have bad panic attacks
J- i know but she needs to understand I'm better without them and I can't have these pills because they only make my ptsd worse
I started to sweat and freak out. I could barley see and breath. Dad was trying to calm me down but couldn't. He stuck his fingers down my throat and made me throw it up. He hadn't done that in so long. He hugged me and rubbed my back trying to make sure I was okay.
D- you really want MY daughter to take pills that make her freak out like that?
?- I'm coming back tomorrow. I'm taking jennifer away. I can't believe you would teach a young traumatized girl to fake panic attacks like that!
I rolled my eyes
J- I just....I just threw up in front of you....and you think I..I faked it..
I slowly stood up.
J- fuck you
I whispered at her and her eyes widened before getting into her car and slamming her door and speeding away.
J- you can't let her take me away Daryl. I don't want to go back into the system. Please
D- don't worry I won't. We are leaving here anyways.
I smiled as we started walking down the driveway. Merle pulled in aggressively.
M- aw you still have this peice of shit girl with you
J- fuck you asshole
We all laughed
M- definitely your kid
We both rolled are eyes
D- what are you doing here
M- theres something going on we need to leave Alanta. Get in
We both got in not questioning it.
D- explain
M- on the radio a lady said that a desease in spreading throughout Alanta. If you get bit by someone who's dead then you become a flesh eating monster.
I was listening to the words coming out of his mouth. It felt like a horror movie. I lifted my legs onto the seat and held my legs for comfort.
M- bitch get your dirty shoes off my damn seats
I listened and Daryl looked at me. He could tell I was scared.
D- they aren't dirty I just got them for her asshole. Also don't yell at my kid like that or I might beat your ass
He reached his hand back and I flinched hard. He slowly reached for my hand and held it.
D- I'm not going to hurt you okay. I promise.
I smiled lightly at him. Merle laid his hand on the horn
He sped down the road and finally came to a hard stop.
D- dude careful my daughter's in the car!
M- I don't care we need to get out!
He parked the car. There was alot of traffic.
M- grab your shit we are walking
I rolled my eyes and I grabbed my bag. I put the huge backpack on and got out of the car. Daryl grabbed my hand and we started to walk. After a 20 minutes of walking and seeing no one in their cars Daryl handed me my phone and headphones. I plugged my headphones in and put them in my ear. Melaine Martinez pity party was the first song to play. A couple seconds into the song Daryl had let go of my hand and stopped. I saw a bunch of people gathered together. An explosion came from within the city. People started to run the other direction. Towards us. I held onto a car door as long as I could. I got trampled over and I ended up being shoved into the woods. I stood up off the leaf covered floor and tried to look around for Daryl. I still had one headphone in. I turned around hearing someone behind me and flipped around. I saw a guy with half of his face melting off. Right as Melaine screamed I screamed.
I started to run to the highway. I looked around being followed by the guy with a half melted face.
I yelled again trying to find my father. I heard something whistle beside my ear and I heard a groan and turned around. An arrow was stuck in his shoulder. I looked up and saw my dad. I felt a hand on my shoulder and kicked out of reflex. The guy fell onto the floor and tried to bit my ankle. I was scared. He had ahold of my ankle and I tried to kick away. I ended up falling on the floor and be rolled ontop of me trying to bite me. A whistle was heard before an arrow landed in the guys head. He fell limp ontop of me. I started crying. The blood was dripping on my face. I closed my eyes tightly. I felt the weight of the guy fall off me and I got picked up. I screamed and kicked.
D- it's just me baby girl you are okay.
I hugged him tightly and didn't want to let go.
D- it's okay I'm here now. I shouldn't have let go of your hand.
He hugged me tighter. I put his hand in my hair and took a deep breath in and out. It was shakey. He was crying or trying to not cry. I pulled away and he set me down. He wiped the blood off my face and then my tears. I looked down and saw merle taking the arrows out of the dead guy. Daryl bent down to my height.
D- are you okay
J- yeah I'm fine I just I got shoved down the hill into the woods. I heard something behind me and he was chasing me. I just got scared.
D- it's okay to be scared but never let fear get to you.
J- yes sir
He kissed my head and hugged me.
M- we need to keep moving
We all three started walking. I held onto Daryl's hand while listening to soft music. I ran into someone's leg.
J- I'm sorry
?- it's okay
D- sorry
?- it's okay I'm Lorie
D- Daryl
L- and I'm assuming this is your little girl
D- yes
He said cautiously
J- I'm Jennifer
L- well how old are you Jennifer
J- I'm 13
L- oh I have an 12 year old boy. His name is Carl.
D- that's sweet
Just then merle came running to us.
M- Daryl there's something I need you to come see. Girl stays
D- I can't leave my daughter
M- she isn't your real daughter so it doesn't matter
D- yes she is asshole I can't leave her here alone
L- I can watch her till you guys get back
D- thanks. Jennifer are you going to be okay here with her
J- yes dad I'll be fine. Be careful. Please.
D- I will bye princess
He kissed my head and thanks Lorie before walking away. She went to grab my hand and I flinched.
L- I'm not going to hurt you sweetie I promise. Are you hungry
J- yes ma'am
She hands me a jello cup and a granola bar. She gives me a spoon and shows me to her car.
L- Carl this is Jennifer. Jennifer this is Carl my son.
C- hi
J- hi
He blushed.
C- do you want to color with me
R- sure
We sat in lories trunk and I ate while Carl colored. A woman and her kid walked over to Lorie and while the women talked the girl came over to us.
?- I'm sophia
C- I'm Carl
J- jennifer
S- hi Carl
She blushed. Why are girls so obsessed with boys. I rolled my eyes and finished eating. I really hate being away from Daryl. I haven't been away from him in years. Not for this long.
S- where are your parents?
J- prison
I said bluntly.
C- my dad was a cop
S- was
C- yeah he died
J- I'm sorry Carl.
S- why are your parents in prison
J- none of your business.
L- jennifer if your parents are in prison then who is Daryl to you
J- my dad?
L- was it only your mom who was arrested
J- no Daryl adopted me. My parents and uncle and aunt were arrested. Basically my whole family is in jail. Daryl is the only thing I have.
?- I'm sorry
J- who are you
?- Sophia's mom. Carol
J- that's a beautiful name
I smiled.
J- why is your hair short
She looked around and then down
S- she shaved it so my father wouldn't pull it when he gets mad.
Everyone got silent
Cp- sophia
I jumped as the loud voice was getting closer. I scooted away from the voice.
?- I said get your ass over there.
He gripped her arm and then went to grab sophia. I flinched and stuck my arm out in front of sophia.
J- let go of her
?- what are you going to do little girl bite me please fuck off
He went to reach for her again and I bit him. Hard. He let go of Carol and he raised his hand at me. He was going to hit me. I raised my arms knowing that I probably just made it worse for Carol. I heard a gun click.
M- don't you even think about touching my niece
D- that's my daughter asshole! Don't fucking touch her
Daryl picked me up and got in the guys face
D- I dont know who you think you are trying to hit my little girl but you best back the fuck away
?- she bit me
D- you were scaring her! You act like I didn't see that shit from over there!
J- you deserved it
I stuck my tongue out at him
?- you little bitch
Merle pushed the gun into his head.
M- no what did I say! GO now!
He walked away angry as shit and Carol looked over at us.
CP- I'm sorry
J- don't apologise. I knew better than to let you guys leave with that man. I knew what he was going to do. And I know I could've made it worse. I just I don't know I just don't like not helping people in those kind of situations. I was in that situation once and I hated it.
Everyone went silent and Carol thanked me and walked away with Sophia.
J- I'm sorry dad I just I got scared
D- Its okay I understand. Let's go. Thank you for watching her Lorie.
L- it's not problem
C- wait
D- yes
C- where are you guys going the cars haven't moved and it's dark
D- we can't stay
L- Carl let then go
?- Lorie Carl! Let's go!
A man ran up and started to pack up everything of lories and Carl. I guess it's his mom's friend. They started to run to the woods when a huge a explosion went off in the city again.
J- dad
D- it's okay I got you. Merle we got to go!
Merle grabbed his bag and Daryl ran with me in his arms. I knew I wasn't that heavy but I knew it would be fast for Daryl to put me down.
J- dad it's okay I can run
D- no I'm not taking any chances of losing you
I smiled and held onto him tighter. Sooner or later I fell asleep.
Daryl's pov-
I felt Jennifer's body go limp. Good she's asleep. We have been walking for over 30 minutes. We found a huge open space with a bunch of tents and a rv.
L- jennifer?
M- fuck me
?- hi I'm Dale.
?- I'm Andrea and this is my sister amy.
?- I'm Glenn and this is T-Dog.
?- I'm Carol and this is Ed and Sophia
?- I'm Shane. This is
D- Lorie and Carl. I know. I'm Daryl and this is Merle my brother.
DL- well Daryl there is two empty tents over there if you'd like to sleep here. Since it's 3am.
D- thank you Dale.
M- I'm getting my own tent nice
I rolled my eyes
D- dude shut up she's sleeping
DL- here's some food and water. The tent has two beds made up with a lantern just in case you need to use the restroom. If she wakes up and doesn't want to use the woods there is one in the rv.
D- thanks.
I take the food and water and go to tent. I lay jennifer down. I moved her hair out of her face and covered her with my flannel.
D- it's okay baby girl. We are safe.
I kissed her head and laid down to go to sleep. Today was tiring and confusing but we will be okay. I already know it.

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