XXII - Cerveau - Quatorze

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Instead of making their way back towards home, the six of them were now looking for anywhere that would accept the slips they had received from Sabine. Cassia hadn't seen anywhere inside the main building handling them, and Monet hadn't either, leading them to have a quick look around outside. 

As they'd commenced their search, a spark of anticipation now rippling through the group, it was Uliana who spotted a smaller sign on the complex wall.

"It's this way! Over in that little place!"

She'd pointed them to the building with two floors over in the far corner, which didn't stand too far from where they'd sat to discuss their plans. The others didn't ask any questions, Spears now leading the way across the yard, and - upon getting closer - it did look as if there was a steady flow of people coming and going from that first floor, a set of doors with long, glass panes in them serving as an entrance.

A sign mounted on the wall next to the entrance confirmed the building's purpose, simply reading Exchange.

Spears held the door after taking a quick look inside, deeming the interior to be satisfactory, Chief allowing the girls to enter first in turn. Cassia stayed close to Monet's side as they got their first chance to inspect the place for themselves, Uliana's eyes immediately widening at the display that awaited them.

The interior itself might have been on the smaller side, in line with the building's size, but the space had been well used. The floor itself was clear, allowing anyone to simply cross over to the counter that was waiting on the other side, the items of interest hanging on the walls in little alcoves, or displayed on shelves there. 

Colours caught Cassie's eye, and she was amazed to see clothes - actual clothes - hanging up for sale in some of those spaces, their conditions fresh, every article free of stains and imperfections. The selection was hardly vast, but there were options for men, women and children included. Spears was drawn to these, his attention quickly falling upon a fairly nice-looking jacket.

Other items like tools and stationery were on offer on the shelves around the main floor, whilst the most interesting items - by far - were being displayed on other shelves behind the main counter, out of the reach of customers at first. Cassia was at least able to get a good look at everything.

Tinned meat, fish, and vegetables... Precooked meals that only required heating... Bags of flour and sugar... Little boxes of cereal... Bottled water, milk, and cartons of fruit juice...

It was like an actual shop. A shop that sold things. Well, yes, that did tend to be the purpose of a shop, but actually seeing it in practice was...

It had been a while, that much was for sure.

What had demanded Uliana's attention, and what now captured Cassia's equally swiftly, was a row of shelves towards the top right of the display behind the counter, an unmistakable glint of red upon glass practically singing to her. There, for all three of the girls to see, were two rows of bottled Honey. A quick count revealed that there were twenty in total, ten across two displays.

Twenty bottles of Honey. The sight alone was enough to make Cassia's heart leap, and she knew full well that Uliana was experiencing the exact same reaction, the look on her face speaking volumes.

There was one collection of little details that Cassia hadn't paid quite as much attention to until now, and that was the labels adorning every corner of the store. After she'd just about managed to tear her gaze away from the twenty bottles of Honey, she gave herself a quick shake, restoring her focus, her hopes feeling perilous now as she forced herself to look at the price tags.

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