XX - Dents - Quinze

15 1 9

"I just hope that the others aren't too disappointed..."

"You need to stop worrying, Cassie. We've all been through this before."

Uliana had turned and walked backwards as she'd addressed her most recent companion's concerns, her eyes narrowing as she did so, her tone remaining perfectly friendly. Cassia was glad that she was still in a good mood in spite of everything, yet she wouldn't pass any kind of judgement on the bigger picture until they were back with everyone.

Their walk back to the warehouse had been another quiet one. The old street had grown fairly quiet too - or at least quieter than she'd see it before - something that was all the more noticeable after the heightened activity of the previous days. The hollow shells that had apparently once been actual shops in the district ahead, along with the uncared for paths that linked them all together, were almost completely devoid of anyone aside from them as they headed home. Only a group teenagers made up of three boys and a girl gave the place any air of life, their voices as they claimed one of the old structures as a temporary hangout easily being carried by the absence of most other noise.

The alleys between warehouses remained deserted, the messages still mounted on their walls at irregular intervals almost appearing as each structure's epitaph. The sign that had once pointed to one of the areas that the Brisbois family operated in was now one that Cassia noticed on every trip, whether they were returning or heading out, the name alone proof that a history really was tied to all she'd seen since her arrival.

Upon reaching their quiet corner of their quiet district, Monet gave the knocks to announce their presence before they made their entrance, the older girl standing aside so that her younger companions could step in before she sealed the hole again. Cassia went first, Uliana allowing her to go ahead, and she was greeted by a rather hopeful looking Klavdiya not far beyond the metal barrier.

"Finally! How'd it go? Are you okay?"

This was just about all she had time to ask before Taya came rushing over, an even more expectant look about her, the youngest member of their group coming to stand before Cassia with her hands together in front of her. She braced herself for a sudden rush of questions, only the youngster didn't actually proceed to ask any, almost as if she'd moved to meet her before she'd actually thought about what she'd wanted to say. The sight of Monet coming forward gave her the push that she needed, her attention immediately shifting to the girl in red.


"Yes Taya, we're back dear. Give us a minute."

Now Taya looked as if she was itching to ask something in particular, and Cassie was sure that she could have guessed what that might have been in but a single attempt. 

First, they had to see to the matter of organising the things they'd brought home with them. As Monet went ahead, making her way to the storeroom door before she took off her bag, Uliana wasted no time as she started filling Klavdiya in on what had transpired during their lengthier excursion. Cassia didn't join them just yet, opting to instead follow their leader, handing over her own backpack as well.

"Could you be so kind as to go and get the key?" She asked her as she accepted it, Cassia swiftly nodding.


"Thank you, dear."

She quickly moved to act on the request that had been made of her, her footsteps soon ringing out across the warehouse's main floor as she made her way up the old staircase and across the walkway. Glancing down along the way, she could see that Taya was now sticking close to Monet as the other two girls continued their catch up, whilst Zisel was now making her own appearance as she carefully made her way out of her backroom, her familiarity with their environment still impressive in Cassia's mind.

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