XI - Yeux - Treize

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Cassie had spoken at some length about her home, and about the people within it, again from the beginning. She'd explained to Monet how she'd been driven up to the house, and about how she'd been offered a room there, and about all of her feelings - like how she'd been daunted at first, but also about how she'd settled in, and about how Adeline had come to label her as a sister rather than just a friend.

She'd told her about the servants, and about how they were treated with kindness, and about how she and Adeline would follow Roslindis around trying to make her do things with them. She told her about her schoolwork, and how they worked together, and about the times they'd gone into the city, and to the high street.

She'd told Monet about the doll she was still holding, Polina, and about how she was a gift from Adeline. She'd told her about Amala, and how they'd been trying to get her to spend more time with everyone, and she told her about Esmund and his important engineering job.

Monet had listened patiently, never interrupting, asking questions here and there for a few more details, and she'd taken quite an interest in all that she was hearing - and Cassie was sure that it wasn't feigned. After a while, she'd moved to sit near her on the bed, leaning against its back as Cassie moved to lean back against the wall it was adjacent to.

Talking about everyone... Yeah, it did make her feel a bit better.

Yes, it was sad that she wasn't with them, but that was just for now; she would get back to them, the ordeal would be cleared up, and they'd get right back to normal after a week or so. All of this confusion, and being lost, it was all temporary.

"I can understand why you're eager to return home." Monet said as Cassie concluded her story, having finished her tale by explaining how she'd been on her way to the school induction when she'd gotten lost.

How long had they been talking? It must have been almost half an hour or so, at the very least. Still, Cassie didn't feel tired, though sitting for some time left her feeling a bit stiff.

"I think I understand other things, too."

This line was a little more enigmatic, and Cassie looked to her with a more serious expression, as if it was time for her to listen now.

"Now, I don't want you to get upset, Cassia, but I think I have a clear picture of what happened, based on what you've told me. I'm going to ask you a few things first though, okay? And please, be honest. Don't worry if you don't know the answers, either."

Don't know the answers...? Cassia was already finding it daunting.

"When you drove up to the house, where were you coming from? Where were you before you got into the car?"


Cassie fell silent. That earlier feeling of information being missing - as if it had been swallowed up in some impossible way - was quickly returning, and a somewhat nervous expression made itself known on her face as she tried to think, reaching into that hole to find the truth.

Where had she come from...? Well, she was... She'd been with the... What kind of place had she been at before Deering House? It was...

"Okay, don't worry, we'll move on." Monet said, her tone remaining as stoic as usual as she moved on to a new question.

"You lived with this gentleman, Esmund, and his daughter, Adeline. Did they ever speak of Adeline's mother?"

That was the same thing that Uliana had asked her earlier. This question wasn't quite as problematic to her, as she could think of a few explanations for why they might not have, and so she shook her head.

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