XXII - Cerveau - Quatre

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Zisel worked with only brief rests between articles of clothing, and Cassia had been more than content as she'd stayed with her in the backroom, the air peaceful even if it was laced with a smokiness. The metal drum that was stationed in Zisel's quarters was smaller than the ones they typically hauled through to the main room, the difference in size diminishing the amount of that smoke that could rise at any one time. 

She wasn't sure how long they'd been together in that smaller chamber. Cassie remained until Zisel was finished with the work that had been put before her, the girl appearing very proud when she set aside the final item, a slightly weathered skirt that looked as if it might have belonged to a young lady around Monet's age.

They'd gone back out into the main hall afterwards, the air noticeably cooler in the more open space, Cassia handing over Polina to her rather gleeful auntie. Seeing someone else with a hefty appreciation for the doll had always given her spirits quite a nice lift. 

Knowing that Adeline's gift had gone on to bring joy to another, and not just to her, made it feel that bit more magical.

She just hoped that her sister wouldn't be too upset to see the little miss with the odd scuff and scrape.

Uliana and Klavdiya had been especially cheerful following the decent results that the day had yielded, the two still making an effort to entertain each other when the other girls returned, even as Klavdiya continued to take things easy, the girl stating that she had a good reason to.

"If I rest now, then I'll be able to go further tomorrow." She'd explained, looking wholly sure of herself and her reasoning, Uliana quick to jump on it.

"What if you don't get picked?"

"Then... I'll still be feeling good!"


"I'm not being lazy!"

Uliana had proceeded to muster up what was just about the smuggest grin possible, complete with a bit of prancing about in order to wind her friend up further, her lack of caution making it far too easy for Klavdiya to give her a playful whack on the back with her stick.

Cassia couldn't help but wonder how many hits Uliana had taken over the course of their friendship. The only question more interesting would have been in regards to how many more she had yet to receive.

Taya was still shuffling about, crayons in hand, many of them now in a sorry state, either on the verge of reaching the point where they would have been tricky to hold because they were so short, or broken in differing places. She hadn't raised a complaint, and so Cassia wasn't going to bring it up, lest she incur a new wave of insistence from their youngest member.

For a minute, she thought that Taya was talking to herself again, chatting away about whatever she was doing, but she soon realised that Monet was actually still with her, something that surprised her greatly. Had she been downstairs with her this whole time? If so, that must have been the longest period of time that she'd been out of her room since she'd joined the teenager's gang. She might have spent it all with Taya, and not the group as a whole, but it was still nice to see.




The youngster had led Monet over to a clear patch on the ground, nestled between two rows of faded, navy blue shipping units, where she quickly descended to her knees so that she could begin drawing. The teenager observed, folding her arms again in that way that made her appear notably smart, all the echoes of a fine young lady about her even then.

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