XVII - Veines - Quinze

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"I'll make sure to ask about them, don't worry."

"It'll probably be a little while until they're here... You don't have to - "

"I can still ask! It's not like it would be any trouble. Besides, if we can get an actual time or something, then that would be perfect, wouldn't it?"

It sounded as if Uliana wasn't going to take any kind of no for an answer, even if it was still early days, regardless of anything that Cassia might have said. She appreciated her continuing desire to assist in any way that she could, and Uliana clearly sensed that, taking pride in every smile she earned from the newcomer.

It had almost been a whole twenty-four hours since the last visit to the factory, and the time had come for another excursion, this one a simple run to the old street for whatever bits and pieces that they could find. Monet had chosen Uliana and Taya to accompany her for this one, given that they had been the ones to stay behind the previous day, and so Cassia was now spending a final minute or two talking to her companion before she left with the girl in red.

Zisel was at work in her backroom, and Cassia intended to visit her soon. Until then she had Polina for company, as the doll's owner viewed that room as the best place for her, away from most of the mess that Lower Merveille could possibly muster up.

Maybe she could accompany them in future, but not right now. She was only little, after all. 

Both Uliana and Taya were ready to leave, whilst Monet was about to finish sorting her own things. Taya herself was a little more restless this time, shuffling on the spot, tapping her feet, talking to herself quietly on occasion, though she didn't wander off or cause any kind of fuss, which was more than indicative that she was prepared for the task ahead.

Seeing her there, with her own little backpack and a good dose of enthusiasm... She was quite adorable, in her own little way. With a clean-up, and a nice dress, she might have easily become an even more fine young lady.

Cassia was still intrigued by thoughts of how Taya handled things. Did she actually go up to people and barter with them? Given that she spent so much time amusing herself, it was difficult to picture her interacting with anyone for long, and this was bolstered by the knowledge that she didn't even engage with the other girls around the warehouse all that much. Any conversations were short lived, even if they went well. Monet was the only exception, her authoritative presence enough to shift that balance in order to keep her attention.

Regardless, Cassia had tried to acknowledge her more lately, asking her things about what she was doing or perhaps how she was. Answers were concise and directly to the point, but at least she was actually getting those answers. Now was one of those times where she took a moment to address her, seeing as she was waiting.

"Good luck today, Taya." She said, her voice carrying a softness.


Taya didn't really look her way as she was spoken to, her attention remaining upon largely nothing, her eyes holding that somewhat distant glint that they more often than not possessed. Her response - as simple as Cassia had expected it to be - also came across as scripted, in a way, a basic answer to a basic remark. 

She still accepted it as better than nothing.

"Alright, are we ready?"

Monet had arrived now, Taya's attention immediately upon her as she joined them, at which point she nodded firmly. Cassia took her arrival as her cue to leave them to it, the three girls starting on their drinks for the day, though she left with one last smile for Uliana - a smile that was returned.

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