XVII - Veines - Cinq

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It took only ten seconds or so for the hatch in the door to open, a pair of eyes holding an intensity that Cassia could recall awaiting on the other side. 

What had they called the boy on guard duty? Captain? She remembered him not by that title, but as the boy with the really big knives.


This time, before Monet could protest or say anything else, Klavdiya stepped into his view and gave the appropriate response.

"Cœurs enflammés!"

Cassia told herself that she really should make a note of that password, whatever it meant. The more information she had, the better, and it was something that might yet come in handy, if ever she needed help, or if she got separated from her own group for whatever reason.

That said, if she turned up lost, she was quite sure that Chief would have helped her regardless.

The hatch closed again as the code was given. After a very brief pause the door was opened, and Captain allowed the girls to make their entrance, the old locker area waiting for them just inside. The sounds that the door made as it was unlocked, and subsequently opened, carried a distinct echo that rolled further into the building, defying the supposedly abandoned conditions that it consisted of.

Captain was looking as... Well suited for his role as guard as he had last time. Those signature knives of his remained on show, the fact that he made no effort to conceal them most likely a conscious choice that was done to make a point. 

Cassia noticed that the old jeans he was wearing were a pair that Zisel had mended the week before.

Klavdiya gave him a smile as they entered, and it was one that she didn't have to force in any kind of way.

"Hi Captain, been a while, huh?" She said, acknowledging him.

"I guess it has been, yeah. You been okay?" 

"Yep. Don't say that you missed me or anything then. Rude." 

"Why would I miss you?" 

He approved of the frown that she gave him, an actual smile coming to him as he saw it, one of hers coming through shortly afterwards. 

He gave Cassia herself a brief look over, his gaze unnerving her slightly, his focus not resting upon her for even half as long as it had last time. If there was some sort of trust test, then she must have passed it back then.

Monet addressed Captain with a respectful nod as they got inside, and she led her companions towards the corridor that would take them to the main chamber of the factory without hesitation, but the boy cut ahead of them and gestured for them to stop for a moment.

"Wait here. I'll let Chief know that you've arrived."

"I can do that myself." Monet said, her tone flat, without negativity. Cassia couldn't tell how he felt about her defiance, though there didn't seem to be much in the way of irritation there. 

"Just wait."

Monet folded her arms as she stayed where she was, indicating that she was willing to obey for the time being, which was something he was in turn willing to act upon. He carried on ahead without them for now, and he soon disappeared into the main room further down the corridor.

"He's still all serious then?" Klavdiya asked, her voice lower now as she looked to Monet once he was out of earshot. The girl in red replied to this question with a nod, and nothing more.

"Why is he serious, anyway?" Cassia asked, aiming the question at both of them, but Klavdiya was the one to reply.

"I think it's because they want to do things properly, as if they were all adults, or something like that. Order, and all that kind of stuff, you know?"

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