XX - Dents - Six

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Cassia had never heard Monet's tone spiked with what was undeniable trepidation before. It was even more out of place than the happier personas she sometimes took on when approaching those she wished to barter with, and certainly much more terrible in nature - even if it was short lived as action took over - the realness immediately sparking off a cold dash of fear within her as she observed the girl in red.

Monet had all but forgotten their current endeavour now, and she quickly took off in the direction that the shriek had come from, moving at a swift pace as she dodged those who were still coming and going, weaving around and between those who had stopped in response to the cry themselves. Cassia immediately got moving herself, doing her best to keep up, offering weak apologies to the few individuals that she bumped into along the way.

Thankfully, it didn't take them very long to come across their younger companion, who was further up the street and closer to the housing sector. As she came into view, Cassia was relieved to see that she looked physically fine at least, though she was sporting an incredibly cross look as she clutched her backpack to her chest in an overtly defensive pose.

Her fierce gaze was aimed at a young man who looked to be in his twenties, a fellow who was visibly alarmed to be on the receiving end of such an accusing stare. As they approached the scene, he appeared to be making an effort to console Taya, his somewhat panicked demeanour paired with such attempts implying to Cassia that he meant no harm.

"It's alright kid, calm down, it's fine!"

"Don't touch!"

"I'm not, I won't, see? It's alright."

Taya was scolding him rather loudly, which wasn't helping to diffuse the situation in any respect, earning the continued attention of the other residents and visitors around them, much to the disdain of the stranger. He wore a notably tattered brown apron over his outfit, which wasn't exactly immaculate either, leading Cassia to think that he was working with one of the stalls nearby - which was odd, as Taya didn't usually acknowledge others, especially not strangers.

Monet was quick to act yet again.

"Taya? What's happened?" She asked the youngster, announcing her presence to both her and the startled man. Taya wasted no time in clinging to the older girl, rushing to her side to do so, her glare remaining fixed upon her apparent aggressor.

"Bad man! Thief! Bad!"

"Yes, alright, it's all fine now."

Monet's hand upon her head went quite some way in quelling her, at least bringing her to the point where she was no longer shouting, even if hostility didn't leave her gaze yet.

"Are you...?" The man asked Monet, relief coming to him almost immediately as Taya was partially soothed, an apologetic note now accompanying his timidity. He looked from her to Cassia, eager for some sort of clarification on whatever had just unfolded.

"I'm her carer. Did something happen?"

Hearing Monet's calm voice was reassuring to Cassia too.

"I dunno, I was just taking a break, having a drink, and up she comes." He began, his relief equally rife in his tone.

"I thought she was gonna try and take my bottle. I tried to get her attention but then she just freaked."

As he'd been explaining, it had become apparent to the onlookers around them that whatever had happened was being resolved simply enough, and the vast majority had subsequently moved on with their business, much of the pressure going with them. On top of this, what he'd said had been enough for Monet to come to some sort of conclusion already.

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