XIX - Épaules - Onze

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Chief had taken on a slightly more formal note, after Cassia had asked about the rumours they were now possibly tailing. 

"Yeah, we've been following them for a while too. They never really lined up in the past though, I always figured they were nonsense. People make stuff up all the time."

Spears had been the one to initially pick up on things during one of his excursions to the Red District, the news initially bringing Chief a good degree of concern.

"You were spooked to start with." 

"Only because I didn't know who was supposed to be turning up. I don't want anyone showing up and saying that we've got to move out of our current digs, that's all."

The notably gutted factory that they were using as a hideout had been owned by the Development Agency, not the Brisbois family, and so he doubted that they would have any sort of claim to it.

Much had changed since those years, however, and so there was still uncertainty that needed to be put to rest. With any luck, the trip they were now undertaking would do just that.

What had Lower Merveille been like in the past? Cassia had given it a fair amount of thought lately, but she couldn't really picture it. For one thing, the less than stellar housing district would have been entirely absent, wouldn't it? It's haphazard design clearly set it aside from everything else. 

What would have been in all that space then? Would it just have been roads, or would there have been other things too? There must have been, but like what? One thing she absolutely couldn't imagine was a great many people going about their work in a setting that was actually half decent, as even the formally constructed buildings - such as the remaining factories themselves - weren't exactly immaculate.

As they drew nearer to the junkyard, the amount of other people steadily rose. At first, there were only those going about their business, working in or around their homes or making their way from place to place. As they went on, it became apparent that others were also making their way to the same destination.

Monet took the lead as they came to the large fencing that ringed the yard, even if Chief and the others appeared to know where they were going. Luckily, the smaller path that would lead them to their little vantage point was free of other people, confirming its status as little more than a back road. It was here that a more serious air descended upon the group, the laughing and joking coming to an end, with even Sleeves appearing much more focused.

Only one problem remained, and Uliana was the one to draw attention to it as their lookout spot came into view.

"Uh, are you sure it's going to hold all of us? It doesn't look like we'd all even fit up there anyway."

"Not a problem."


Monet sounded as if she had everything figured out, but she didn't explain herself to begin with. Instead, she began to scale the scaffolding, getting herself into a good position, from which she proceeded to take in whatever scene was unfolding below.

"How's it looking?" Chief asked, his different accent still quite charming to Cassia. It somehow brought a touch that defied any anxiety that may have been bubbling. 

"There's a lot of people gathering over near the entrance... They've cleared a good space, like they said they would."

"Anyone interesting there?" Spears asked as he brushed his slightly longer hair from his face, a motion that he often had to repeat.

"Not that I can see."

After another few seconds, Monet turned her attention back to her companions, gesturing for Uliana and Cassia to step forward, as well as Sleeves.

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