XII - Oreilles - Quatorze

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"We'll sort out what we were talking about later on, once we're out, okay? Are you coming with us tomorrow?"

"Oh, uh, probably not. I think I'll be able to join you the day after though."

"Alright. I won't forget, don't worry."

Uliana's voice, carrying that fairness, was a reassuring presence. The girl had a sort of softness about her, a gentle touch to her demeanour, renewing that earlier thought in Cassia's mind - the opposite of Monet.

Despite that contrast, Uliana certainly didn't come across as naive or foolish in her eyes, and she knew already that the girl had some wits about her, perhaps almost in a deceptive kind of way; nobody would have expected the soft-spoken girl to be able to spring into action so swiftly.

She was definitely quick on her feet.

They'd stepped out into the main room again, the containers and storage units that eluded the light of the fire within forming darkened towers against the haze it provided, the flickering of those flames keeping their shadows dancing.

Something about fire was comforting too. She couldn't quite decide just what about it in particular was able to lull her into a slightly more relaxed state, but that didn't reduce her appreciation in any way whatsoever.

"They might not have what you need the first time we go there. To the old street, I mean." Uliana was saying as she moved to sit in one of the chairs that played a role in the ring around the old metal drum, and as Cassia moved to sit down nearby.

"Sometimes it can take a while, so it's best to be patient. Things always turn up eventually, it just depends on what's popular at the time."

"That's fine. I can help Monet out in the meantime, I guess." Cassia replied.

Even if she got lucky, and got her hands on what she needed for her plan in only a visit or two, she still intended to assist the older girl. Besides, she'd have to wait once the letter was in transit anyway. She'd get her chance to pay the girl back, whether it came sooner or later.

"Did Monet take you in...?" She asked Uliana, her curiosity getting the better of her, and she felt fine with asking the girl such a question after all of the warmth she'd exhibited towards her and her plight.

"Huh? Oh, yep. I was by myself before she found me. I'm um, I'm actually the most recent person in the group, before you."

Cassia nodded, her desire to listen obvious, and so her companion continued, taking advantage of how they were currently alone.

"Monet is kind of like that, she's either completely cold, or extremely generous. There's not really much of a middle ground. She won't just help anyone, but then again that would basically be impossible anyway."

Uliana seemed cautious as she spoke of the girl in red, her voice notably quieter, as if she would somehow hear them discussing her despite her absence.

"So... She helps people who might be useful? Is that what you mean?" Cassia asked, her own tone hushed now as she followed her companion's example.

"I guess so...? That makes her sound kind of bad, and she really isn't... Most folks don't really help strangers down here. When I was by myself, it really sucked."

Cassia could sense a weight in the girl's voice now, even with her lowered volume, indicating that some currently unknowable experience was behind such a remark.

"She's a good person, don't doubt that."

"Oh, I d-don't! She's already done a lot for me, I think she's nice, I just..."

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