𓆏 clipped wings (3)

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Iskall promtly flew through the door, sitting next to the other person - which he now knew to be stress. She put the tray of various bits on her lap, looking at iskall with a worried expression.
"Are you alright love? How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"Everything hurts...did I break something?" He asked still wreching in pain "how did I get here?"
Stress proceeded to explain everything; the crash, them finding him on the brink of unconciousness, them taking him back to stresses base and bandaging him up. Iskall butted in from time to time, aiding stress in her explanation.
Grian whinced, it sounded painful.

It was painful.

He tried to shuffle round, only resulting in more pain - he screamed in agony, iskall placing a hand on his shoulder.
The next bit was sort of a blur.

Stress handed iskall a potion, instructing the swede to give it to him.
"Hey buddy open up..." He said, extremely softly.
He did as such, the other pouring the liquid into his mouth abit at a time. Grian swallowed it, flinching slightly each time; It was sickly sweet with a taste of varying strengths healing potion, golden carrots and apples and strength potions. "Your gonna go to sleep now ok Grian?" Stress said, worry lacing her voice. Grian nodded slightly, going back to his prior state of slumber.

"Do you think he's gonna be ok" stress asked, exiting the room.

"I hope so..."


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