Chapter 7

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I decided to sleep in kendalls bed with her, she held me as i cried knowing that theres a chance there could be a growing baby in my stomach. and the worst part is... im only 17.

i get out of bed and go downstairs quietly, so i dont wake kendall or the rest of the family. I get out a bowl and my favourite cereal and some milk. But was interupted by someone walking into the room.... I look over and it was only kendall, thank the lord it was her. she was the only person i could speak to right now.

She comes over and gives me a  hug, we stood there for a few minutes, as a few tears rushed down my face. She pulls away, still holding me, and she wipes away the tear under my eye.

"kendall...?" i say sniffling.

"yes kylie...." kendall said quietly.

"thank you" i said to her.

with no response she pulls me into another hug. Im so thankful kendall is here to support me through... whatever this is. 

"hey" i say pulling out of the hug, but still holding her.

"yes?" kendall says to me

"I need to take a test, will you come with me to buy it and just help me?" i say to her.

"kylie why wouldnt i, youre my sister and i love you. I will support you through everything if what we're thinking does happen to be true. I was just a little shocked at first, i just cant get my head around the fact that youre my baby sister. And this has already happened to you" She says with a disappointed look in her eye.

"I know, i honestly cant even believe it myself." i say.

11 AM.

Ken and I are about to leave to go buy a pregnancy test for me. If im pregnant i have no idea what ill do.. what if cody doesnt accept it and leaves me to be a single mother? Or will i get an abortion? no way i cant do that. 

My thoughts were interrupted by kendall walking into the room telling me to get in the car.


We arrive at the store, and walk down the health isle with the pregnancy tests. we looked for the ones with the highest rating. I finally found one with a 99.8% label on it. which means the result that comes out of this is almost certain to be true.

we purchase the test and drive home. when we pull up in the driveway, i put it in kendalls bag so kim or mom dont see it. We go inside and both walk up to the bathroom together.

"okay kylie, do you know how to do this?" kendall says handing it to me.

"yes ken, ill be out in a minute" i say softly pushing kendall out the door, locking it after.

I take the test, 2 lines for positive, 1 line for negative. And now.... we wait.

10 minutes later.

10 minutes has passed, and its time to look at the result. Kendall gets up and takes my hand. dragging me to the bathroom. I told kendall that id be fine to look at it by myself, and ill tell her after i look. so kendall leaves and closes the door behind her. 

okay... the moment of truth. my hands are shaking as i pick up the test with my eyes closed. I open my eyes ever so slowly, looking down at the test. 

And i couldnt believe my eyes....

Living the life of Kylie Jenner. (Cute Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon