chapter 10

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Okay, its now 12 oclock. and cody will be at the door any second. Telling my parents wil be one of the hardest things ill ever have to do. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

Oh my gosh, that must be cody. here goes.

I go to the door and open it, he greets me with a hug. I hug him back.

"okay its time." i say to him nervously.

"are you ready for this?" he says to me.

"well i guess im gonna have to be arent i." i say

"yeah, okay lets go" cody says.

We walk into the kitchen together, where we find mum and dad making lunch for the family.

"hey guys can we talk to you for a minute?" i say to them both.

"sure hun whats up" mom says to me with a smile.

"look this is going to be really hard for us to tell you, but we need you both to try your best to understand..." Cody says to them.

"whats going on.." bruce says, Thinking he may know what theyre about to say.

"Mom and dad... Im pregnant. And cody's the father.." i say looking down at the floor, too nervous to see the shocked and disappointed look on their faces.

"YOURE WHAT?!" bruce shouts.

"Bruce-" Kris tries to say but then bruce interrupted.

"No! i will not have my youngest daughter at 17 being pregnant? And you cody! You get out of this house at once!" he shouts at the top of his lungs.

"Cody im so sorry we just need to talk to kylie alone first, we'll call you later." Kris says motioning to the door.

"Yeah i understand, See you later kylie." Cody says standing up, and kissing her cheek quickly, then leaving the house.

"Kylie..." Mom says in disappointment.

"yes mom" i say about to cry.

"how could you be so irrisponsible, Im very disappointed in you." She says looking as though shes about to burst into tears

"mom dont cry. I was at a party and i was drunk. I wouldnt have let it happen if i was sober." i say.

"kylie im still very disappointed in you.. but i will support you" my mom says to me.

"thank you." i say.

"and you dad?" i say with a hopeful expression.

"I am so mad at you right now kylie. and i really want to beat the shit out of cody for doing this to you. but that wont get me anywhere. so i will support you both." bruce says with a disappointing look on his face.

"thanks dad, i love you" i say with a slight smile on my face.

"ill talk to you guys later, now im going to codys to talk. byeee" i say grabbing my keys and leaving the house.

The car trip was nice and silent. gave me a chance to think about everything because this has all happened so quickly. 

but i have worse problems than that... Cody... Every time i look at him i get shivers everywhere. whenever we hug sparks fly all over the place. its like electricity. i honestly believe i am in love with cody.

Should i tell him? i mean we're already raising a baby together... but what if he doesnt feel the same? but what if he feels the same way? well i guess theres only one way to figure that out. I have to tell him.

before i knew it, i was in cody's driveway.

i knock on the door.....

Living the life of Kylie Jenner. (Cute Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now