Chapter 8

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I pick up the test with my eyes closed. my hands shaking as i lift it to my eyes. I slowly open my eyes, looking at the result.

And i cant believe my eyes.....

2 lines. which means.. oh no! oh god no. im- Im pregnant. i thought, falling to the floor in tears.

"kylie!? Kylie come out here? whats the result?" Kendall says through the door.

I get up and slowly open the door and walk over to kendall, noticing my mascara and eyeliner has ran all down my face. Obviously giving away the answer to kendall.

"Kylie- I-"... kendall says putting her hand on my shoulder.

i was too shocked to say a word, i just broke down into tears over her shoulder, kendall embracing me into a hug. Now i was really crying, ive never cried so much in my life. And its not so much the baby itself, its how im going to tell cody. I have no idea how he'll take it.

"ken?" i whisper to her in her ear, still crying.

"yes kylie" kendall says to me.

"how am i going to tell cody?" i say.

after moments of pure silence. My phone rings.

i look at my phone, its cody of course. what a shitty coincidence.

i pick up trying to sound like i havent been crying.

"hello?" i say with a sniffle.

"hey kylie i need- wait.. have you been crying?" he says.

"its a long story cody. and i need to talk to you as soon as possible. I need to tell you something." i say.

"O-okay" cody said nervously.

"ill come over tonight?" cody says.

"sounds good see you then" i say.

"okay bye." cody said, then hung up.

I put my phone down and took kendalls hand and went to lie down on her bed. i just needed time to think, and im so glad kendalls here with me. She holds me as I cry and cry, She calms me down, shes honestly the best sister anyone could ever have.


we wake up to the sound of mom knocking on the door.

"Kylie! Kendall get up! dinners ready!" Their mom says.

"okay we'll be down in a minute!" kendall yells back, me still too upset to talk.

We get up and go to the bathroom, ken helps me fix my make up and make it seem like i havent been crying.

moments of silence pass.

"you know youre gonna have to tell them right.." she says to me

"i know, ill get to it. but for now.. i have to talk to cody. hes coming after dinner." i say to kendall

"im here for you kylie, i will be through every step. and when i move out in two weeks, you can spend as much time at my place as you want." kendall says to me.

we walk down to dinner together.

7 PM

Its past dinner, and im waiting on cody to get here. I just need to get it over with and tell him. If he accepts it and says he'll support me then great, but if not, i have no idea what ill do but all i know is i have kendall here with me.

My thoughts were interrupted as I hear a knock on the door. oooh thats cody, i better open up.

i get up and open the door and see cody, Every time i look at him i get shivers all over me. 

"hey kylie" cody says leaning in for a hug.

"hey" i say hugging him back.

"you said you needed to talk?" he said looking at me.

"yeah lets go upstairs" i say grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stairs.

"alright" he says.

As i walk up the stairs me and kendall catch each others eye, her giving me the 'good luck' expression.

Living the life of Kylie Jenner. (Cute Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin