Chapter 15

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2 months later.

Its been 2 months and cody and i are still going strong.

Im now almost 3 months pregnant, and i have an appointment today at the hospital to see the gender of the baby.

I really hope its a girl. i mean, whether its a girl or a boy i dont really mind im just wanting a healthy child. But if i could choose a gender for my first baby, id choose a girl.

I want another child down the track, perhaps another girl so the second one can have an older sister to guide her through her teenage years. To give her advice on everything just like kendall does with me. 

2 pm

Cody comes round to my house to pick me up, and drives to the hospital.

When we go inside, we let the lady at the front desk know we're here for our appointment and we take our seats. i sit first and he sits down next to me, taking my hand and holding it. 

"Kylie?" the doctor calls.

we get up and walk in the door as the doctor follows behind.

i lie down on the bed and lift up my shirt. my bump isnt that noticable just yet. my thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of the cold jelly being rubbed on my stomach for the ultrasound.

I look at the screen and see my stomach on the screen, and a little baby figure. not enough to see whether its a girl or boy just yet.

"would you like to know whether its a girl or a boy just yet?" the doctor says to us.

we look at each other, "yes we would like to know thanks." cody says for me.

"okay. Congratulations its a..........."


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